Charlie Hebdo Deadspin

This cannot get enough stars.

Yes. Gov’t help was never meant to be a cocoon for people (however, that is exactly liberal/marxist policy). It was meant to be a temporary crutch. You gotta get off your ass and work.

Aren’t unions the work of the left? Read a fucking book, Chomsky.

Problem is these kids put Air Jordans on the pedastal in which the Greatest Generation put feeding themselves and their families.

Ah, the voice of reason. You’re so correct on that. There is a massive skills gap in this country. Bernie/HRC/liberals pushing everyone into safespaces (a.k.a. colleges) would only do more damage. To quote Alec Baldwin’s character in “The Departed,” “world needs plenty of bahtendahs.”

You’re a fucking worthless piece of shit.

Fuck you.

Get the fuck out of America you crybaby. Fuck you.

Also, this website has no credibility; without publishing her name and/or location, this is the epitome of “fake news.”

This woman is a cunt; you need not explain her rationale.

You cunt. Fuck you.

Liberals pray? The fuck have I been?

So are you going to go on a massive witch hunt and get these people fired and arrested, you fucking cunt?

I always thought “wetbacks” was about them doing landscaping jobs and the sprinklers coming on. Hmm. #TheMoreYouKnow

So...what are you trying to say here? That they chose to disobey Dr. King in 2008 and 2012 by voting for someone just by the color of their skin, yet abstained in 2016 because of the content of Hillary’s character? YOUBETCHA.

You’re a real great person. Very Christian of you.

WHOA Totally sick, bro.

Use your hands to fill out paperwork that will get you employed, rather than accepting a check from the government and playing XBox.

Get the mother living FUCK OUT then.

WAAAAAA! WAAAAA! Poor snowflake.