I hear local spots are always packed at Roscoe’s...
I hear local spots are always packed at Roscoe’s...
They might not hear it at all. Indians could sweep all three games. fuck the cubs.
I think the point of this article is inside the box thinking.
Oh, I didn’t know that’s when Wisconsin was admitted to the Union, you stupid liberal fuck. #ScottWalkerOwnsYou
Too bad he’s going to be your president, you sick fuck.
This cannot get enough stars. Fuck Gawker.
Well, this certainly isn’t good for the lynch mobs that reside here in Gawker-land, that seek out LinkedIn pages and call bosses until people are fired and arrested. Fuck all of you.
You know what, fuck you for this. What next, fuckstick? Talking to the sommelier Jesus fired after the wedding at Cana? Go fuck yourself.
Unsinkable case, here, don’t you think, Molly Brown?
No, actually, fuck you. Calm down, son.
You’re a fucking cunt.
Fuck Jose Bautista. Persons his size and the size of Encarnacion should not be hitting baseballs the distance they do without some sort of chemical assistance. He’s also the biggest whiner in baseball. If I’m Rob Manfred Mann and the MLB Earth Band, I’d suspend that cocksucker for life simply out of spite.
So what is your suggestion, then, sportsfan? You’re basically calling for the ethnic cleansing of conservatives, which is a hate crime. I’m going to find your place of employment, have you arrested and fired.
National security trumps social programs. Been that way since the Founders, son. Read a book.
In the context of social services, yes. Not the entire breadth of the government. You’re a fucking idiot. And you’re the troll, not me. Eat a dick.
Social services need to be cut and withered away. The government has been a cocoon for people for generations, when it was meant to be a crutch. Eventually you get better and throw away the crutches. Now, we live in a country where people (namely the base of the Democratic party) are coddled from cradle-to-grave.
This needs more stars.
She could have pre-meditated this before drinking. Jesus Fucking Christ I hope you aren’t an attorney. Fuck off.
You’re a pussy. A huge pussy.
Jose Bautista is the biggest cocksucker in baseball. He and Encarnacion should not be hitting baseballs that far with their body size. They are obviously juicing and getting away with it. Fuck Canada, Fuck the Blue Jays. Love Rob Ford forever, but Fuck Toronto.