It looks like a half-woman, half-horse, half manbearpig...
It looks like a half-woman, half-horse, half manbearpig...
They basically had like 3 ppl on the UI team...what can you expect!!
The developers are Polish and I’ll just state from extensive personal experience that Poles know fuck all about what’s going on in the middle east.
When I think it’s been almost 9 years since Portal’s Still Alive, I friggin’ choke up...! :’(
I was roped into watching this mess by my gf 2 yrs ago and the moment I saw the font of the title, I knew I’d hate it!
(...yes, I pick movies based on their title font!)
Matt’s game, Hacknet, is based around the mechanics of real world hacking; a hacking game about actualhacking.
1st one was extreme meh. I’ll stick to Mark of the Ninja, thankyouverymuch!
I thought so too until she turned to the camera and broke the fourth wall. It was really jarring and cheesy. Like she almost could have said: “This is a trailer for a video game. And I’m the protagonist!” :p
Oh dude, came to post this because the start of the trailer immediately reminded me of the end of that film! :D
They’re French.
Google Wave!! <3
I don’t know dude... I’ve visited many cities in Poland over a few trips and didn’t even see 1% of this 9 million you speak of.
Hilarious article! Thanks for the laugh! :D
By sucking the life out of their employees instead!