classic body shaming. end the double standard
classic body shaming. end the double standard
Don’t get comfortable, Deadspin is next.
go back to work dude
Suspect they run it so that they can go back and say how smart they were. Problem is, they just load it up with perennial contenders. Here’s the previous year
Politics. If politics were political politics politicking, then politics. Pol-i-tics. But seriously, political politics are politicalizing politics politically. POLICITICS, no less. When political policy politically politics, that’s when politics politic politically.
Feel like you missed your microeconomic supply/demand lessons somewhere down the road. Mostly in regards to your NY comments - whine all you want about lower-mid income housing being pushed out of the market. You think developer/apartment owner’s care when vacancy rates are at historically low levels across most of…
the peasants of greece demand stricter austerity measures! and less political articles shared to deadspin!
What was worse for Deadspin... the Gawker lawsuit or Magary winning an episode of Chopped?
I don’t understand why upscale Mexican restaurants typically only have soft shell tacos on the menu, when hard tacos are so unbelievably superior. It’s 2016 and time for people to grow up. Why hasn’t this been addressed?
the people demand a politics-free deadspin. i came here to escape the harsh realities of my world and to see sports and fart jokes
I believe in the original Westworld movie, bullets were heat sensitive. So if they approached a human body they would evaporate, whereas for the android’s cold bodies they work normally. Not sure if that’s the case here, but seems plausible.
Are you Over/Under 14.5 hot dogs under contest rules?
thanks for that surface level analysis chief
The new Star Wars sucked and anyone who disagrees is delusional and emotionally attached to a childhood fantasy that will never be replicated again. Life is meaningless. Ear Arby’s.
spring training game. why you ask? because life is meaningless. eat arby’s.
Is this an article or an attention-seeking Facebook post?
i always enjoy how these articles are immediately followed by: “BUY BUY BUY DISCOUNTED X, LIMITED TIME ONLY ON AMAZON DON’T MISS OUT!”
Won’t be able to net Fernandez with Baez... Look for Maddon to ask for Alex Cobb on the Rays. Just a hunch.