Must be hilarious to see a women who has suffered a severe life changing injury and decide to make a joke about her.
Must be hilarious to see a women who has suffered a severe life changing injury and decide to make a joke about her.
I hope they bleed them for all they’re worth. fuckers.
I don’t have a “hate-boner” for Chris Pratt, his shitty politics notwithstanding. I just wish they ignored that temptation to cast big name stars, and left it to proper voice actors who let the characters stand out more than their star power, pardon the pun.
That sounds awful. 90+ minutes of Martinet’s Mario speaking full dialogue would be like nails on a chalkboard.
conformists who equate ironic consumption with nonconformity
Lol, look everybody, we found the entitled douche who’s clearly never worked a retail/service-level job. Do the world a favor and keep your toxic opinions to yourself, the people who are “crying” have a legitimate reason to complain, you’re just acting like an attention-seeking keyboard warrior.
You’d last 5 minutes during a lunch rush.
Sounds like you did too many drugs while working there.
“Low skill” is a bullshit term they use so they can justify paying next to nothing. It’s still hard work.
What’s the exact dollar amount one can make before they are no longer allowed to talk about conditions of their job? Cause you know that $16/hour is not a living wage, right?
$16 an hour is underpaid for *any* job when you live in the wealthiest country in the world.
I hope you lose your job tomorrow.
Every fucking time this sort of think comes up, there’s a fucking “that guy” polishing his fucking monocle.
They complain about their job, you complain about their complaints, and you think they’re the ones crying?
spoken like a person who’s never had to work a food service job.
This is exactly the point I was making. You dismissively call it just a “feeling”, because you presumably have no experience in high-level chess, but it’s easy to see there’s more to it than that. When you play at that level as often and as seriously as Carlsen and others do, you will inevitably be extremely sensitive…
No. I can tell you this much - shit. has gotten. worse.
My dad is a far-from-perfect human but he treated my sister and I as good as he would have any son and never whined about things like buying bras or picking up pads and tampons. I had an ex who told me my dad (who could also be an emotionally-abusive alcoholic who my ex also claimed left me with “daddy issues”)…
Yeah... I don’t know why people think these are great movements.