
Binding arbitration has been seriously abused. Why do you think so many companies want you to agree to arbitration to settle disputes? It’s because they have figured out how to game it. Arbitrators are hired and paid for by the companies... So it is in the arbitrators best interests to side with the company that hires

I know everything is moving towards electric... But good god... Until they make something that doesn’t look like it hit the ugly wall, looks like I’m sticking with gas.

Nobody noticed the time traveling van that appeared in 1977 from somewhere in the future?...

Does anyone remember the BRZ-FR/S concept oh so many year ago? Nothing wrong with those cars today necessarily, but they NEVER looked like that concept did.

Compression in a diesel motor is much much higher... The gasoline will pre-detonate well before the piston reaches top dead center. It’s like engine knock from hell.

That’s still where it is to this very day I believe...

Two door coupe? Nope. It’ll never happen. :(

What does a Cayenne buyer care about 110 pounds? Just make the Porsche badges bigger while you’re at it.

And they are all painted white to boot. Seems about right.


Back in the mid-90s I was sent to Salt Lake City for work. For reasons unknown, the rental company gave me a Chevy Suburban with 4WD...

A small quibble... Ivy Mike was the first US thermonuclear device tested, November 1, 1952. Castle Bravo was the first one at Bikini, true, and it was also the biggest the US tested... But not the first.

These same live free or die dipshits are the same ones who will want me and my tax dollars to pay for their post-crash rehab, nursing home, and rascal scooter. Because that’s not hypocritical or anything.

What time is it Jason? I am debating flying in for this...

“Lea Michele”

A grey SUV. That should really stand out from the crowd.

DeLorean DMC-12. I just don’t get why people wet themselves over an underpowered and ill handling car with dubious build quality and to my eye questionable styling decisions. Sure the stainless is an interesting idea, but what if I don’t like silver that much?

How is this even being discussed? You know which side of the argument most everyone will come down on. Your slutty girlfriend was daddy’s little princess once upon a time. While you appreciate his efforts, does that mean you’re not gonna stick it in now? C’mon...