Chaz Kelley

Sim is probably one of the more important figures in the industries history because of his radical belief in self publishing which has helped a lot of voices and views get into the industry that otherwise would not have and helped show that deep complex stories could be told in the medium without relying on

It was more like a series of psychotic episodes over the years that each brought about its own set of issues that manifested itself over the series. For example his bad drug trip gave him the idea to end the series in 2004 which lead to longer story arcs. His divorce lead to a change of his views on women and his

I completely agree that by the end the only thing that kept me reading was how much I had already invested and my curiosity on how Sim and Gerhard would push their artistic limits.

Spoiler Alert just so I don't feel like a d-bag

Hard but especially post Guys he does a very good job attempting to invalidate all the characterization and work he put into the earlier volumes.

His friends run a blog about Cerebus where gives updates about the restoration project and his new comics, though it seems other people run the tech and he just provides information. I am unsure if he still only responds to people who say he is not misogynist but he does name check people who sign the petition saying

Agreed, the whole retconning of Jaka as a spoiled royalty and Rick not only the greatest guy ever but also some Christ like figure definitely showed signs that he had pretty much stopped trying to tell a clear unique story and more just make bizarre political statements about feminism and religion.