My biggest gripe is how the videos become BIGGER when I want to pause them by clicking on them on desktop. Any options to prevent this?
Great googly moogly.
The Panthers clawed back to within three points of the Broncos with this second quarter dive over the lines by…
I hate to ask Tim, but any chance you can get me out of the grays? I worked pretty hard at commenting here a while back (had a few highly starred posts), but eventually sorta gave up, because I mostly comment on the weekend and no one seems to notice. Thanks!
This video of a B-2 shot from another aircraft (presumably a blimp) during a flyover for the the 2015 Rose Bowl…
build a space shuttle go to the Moon come back in one piece, then hear people Bitch about how they could've done "better". I think the render puts your point across well .
HOLY mother of blind-spots!
That is one terrible rendering. I guess the guys just starting out.
I wonder how much they are saving by using Mustang stamping tooling?
Leave it to Jalopnik commenters to whine, complain, and tear GM apart for a car THATS NOT EVEN THEIRS AND THEY DIDN'T DESIGN HOLY FUCK THIS IS AN ARTIST'S RENDERING! This happens constantly on here. Reading is a thing, and it's necessary, sometimes, in life.
Easiest way to do this is to use Just type in the relationship in plain English and it will determine the cousin relationship.
Motivational cues mostly.