How about the ReneKEE?
How about the ReneKEE?
So, Greg, why was it removed from where it is more convenient?
Yes and no, instead of it being conveniently located there, you have to return to the top, and locate the tiny grey triangle dropdown thingie and then you are good. So much improve </sarcasm>
So all this fussy clicking to find other hidden comments on comments (view discussion. I think), one after the other constitute multiple history clicks so that we can kiss goodbye to simply hitting the back button once to go back to the main page. Does anyone else think this sucks?
But, of course, good sir.
You could probably buy several mustangs for the same price.
Did that, choose your favorite
Since we are still on the subject, I'd like to assert the accuracy of my renders. While my choice of initial render angles was admittedly amateurish (they got better), Here are some gifs that prove the accuracy of them.
Gotta agree with you there, chopgurble. I have made many a 2015 Mustang render, and after the dust settled, THAT was my favorite shot.
I assume everyone noticed the exceptional laziness of retouching (what little there is other than overdone lighting effects) and flopping one half of the car to the other side, save for the pony. As an experienced retoucher, I HATE this. Although more than a few commenters here think I am a hack Ford Accord/ Fusion…
Saying I lack an artistic touch is less a artistic critique, but more of an insult. But I respect your opinion, commented neutrally and added some of my other work, which according to your last comment seems to imply you think that I not only still lack an artist's touch, but am thin skinned as well.
This is fun and relatively easy. You decide. What you can get, or what you can't, even gave you a choice of two wheels. Good luck getting that with a 2D image. Would you like me to graft in a rear shot into this beautiful, uncredited image?
Gee thanks. I wish I had that artist's touch.
Now THAT looks familiar.
Gee thanks.
That's a beautifully done adaptation of a current Mustang. I did a Photshopped front end just like it before I started my model. Nice Photoshop work. Nicely imagined. I'd love to see you pull off a side view and a rear view with the same flavor and the same characteristics. I could Photoshop on a whole bunch of things…
Yeah, a real walk in the park, that was.
Yeah, pretty art-school word. I had to look up the spelling, geshtalt, geschtalt. Still looks like gibberish. I'm so fried, I forgot my device has spell check.
To those who are not impressed with Ford's new design. Just remember, these renders are my impression and interpretation of the materials I had. I'm sure I got some things a little off. Some more than others. Believe me, if any angle or crease is off just a tiny bit, it throws off the whole gestalt. The real car will…