
Why did I click this article when I KNEW from the headline it was just going to piss me off.

You have strayed from the original topic posted by one of your delusional friends. How Turkey will annihilate Russia.

But while you are here, answer this - How can America spend more on its military than all the other great powers combined and still be unable to impose its will on even moderately sized enemies?

Actually, it’s interesting that you brought up Georgia. A five day war...
A deeply embarrassing moment for America and Israel - who had been training and arming Georgia prior to the “war”.

Essentially, an ill-prepared Russia completely destroyed the Georgian Military. Russia suffered losses of it’s own, not

“If there are no signs saying slow down to x mph then how do you know what to slow down to?”

Chechnya and Dagestan were the victims of an Islamist insurgency, Russia had every right to crush it without mercy. You can’t object to Russia doing exactly what the west is doing! Georgia made an utterly foolish movie that ignored the right to self determination and paid for it. You bemoan Russia keeping Georgia on

Someone’s got to liven the place up! You have to commend the comments section for going wildly off topic. Despite all the squabbling its nice to get other perspectives

The South Ossetians declared independence from Georgia and the Georgians invaded, I have no sympathy for them. The border is now even further into Georgian territory.Israel illegally occupies the Golan Heights and the West Bank, Turkey illegally occupies Northern Turkey.Just because you don’t recognize their right to

Maybe if you knew how to use your mirrors, you would have seen the fucktard that did that.... I recommend hitting them with your vehicle. kind of a “survival of the fittest” sort of approach.

In a battle between the Russian and US navies, the first fleet to fire its missles loses the battle. That’s an interesting new wrinkle in naval war tactics.

At 42 years old, I’d still sit there making rocket noises and “pew pews” for hours on in.