
Really not that much worse, quality wise, than the WMD “intel” we went into Iraq on... /s

He knows how to seduce the ladies. Just ask his daughter.

When I think of Shannon for a woman she is a klepto she makes a decent living though, it’s just a compulsion and she’s in therapy for it, making some real progress with that too. Good for her.

I work at it everyday as my life depends on it.

Ugh, PLUS? Those of us who were the first millenials (it was first coined for the Class of 2000, of which I was a member) have zero in common with anyone who was born in the 90s. They don’t remember what life was like before cell phones and the post-9/11 security state. This has been a bug of mine for years.

OMG “Becomers”? Seriously? I swear to god, all of us in the media and communications industries have gotten so up our own assholes about Millennials. Everyone has seen the same powerpoint decks filled with the same cliches which claim to be “insights” about this audience and this whole process is now becoming a parody

So as a 33 year old “Becomer” when does this adventure to adulthood end? Because...

Yeah, John...

My favorite part was when she told him that she’s not going to repeat stories from the book, but ended the interview by saying I am not going to talk about anything not in the book. Cool, got it, thanks.

And David Greene is my radio boyfriend, so I’mma kick her ass.

The entire interview was awful, she refused to answer questions, she was hostile

As moms, I think we’re prone to blame ourselves for everything, or at least allow the guilt to creep in. But most if it really isn’t our fault. I often say that I laid those vices on top of a bed of kale, because I did. So much kale and regular exercise. But there was so much coffee cake and ice cream too (I still

I’m pregnant, I drink with dinner, eat lunch meat, drink coffee and GASP! Don’t need anyone’s advice, because I have educated myself on the risks. Thank yoooou.

“Grew up with Stonewall” and he thinks that’s going to help his street cred?

Thank you for doing your civic duty.

It means spending the money you have vs leveraging debt to keep more government services than you could ever afford.

The only one who’s ratchet in this story is Joy.

I am so anti-religion that sometimes I annoy myself. But in cases such as this, the patient is at fault. She chose a doctor affiliated with a CATHOLIC hospital. News flash: they’re kind of against birth control just a leeeeeeeeeetle bit. They started enforcing it before she got pregnant.