
I love playing as D.Va so much. I think it's a testament to the appeal of this game that I'm a person that never plays first person shooters, started out playing as Mercy because I didn't know what I was doing during the closed beta, and am now two weeks after release getting PotG as Genji, Tracer and Roadhog. This

I got a song from this musical stuck in my head yesterday when I was folding laundry and I seriously contemplated shooting myself. Fuck Rent.

While "Family Business" may not be a traditional holiday or Christmas song, it's the Kanye song that IMO perfectly encapsulates the feeling of the holidays.

I went through a period of depression in my sophomore year of college where I would watch this music video along with the one for "Bad Romance" by Lady Gaga at least 10 times a day each for about a month. That's it, no elaboration here.

How about that horrifying demon scene from the original Fantasia? I'm pretty sure I'm not the only kid who was terrified by that one.

Personal story about Bill Buckner:

My sister and I would make wiener wings growing up, which were white bread, hot dogs and cheese, folded up and baked in the oven so the bread gets toasty and the cheese gets melty. Still make them sometimes.

If you love The Price is Right, don't go to a taping. Took out all the magic for me.

That happened to one of my coworkers.

In some of those closeups of the bottles, I could see that at least a couple flavors were zero nic. I think it's more like when I first started vaping after being a smoker and it was an alien feeling that resulted in a lot of coughing until I had tears in my eyes.

The GWAR ones are all right. I enjoyed most of them, except for the RY4, which is because I'm over tobacco flavors, and the German Chocolate Beefcake is one of the better chocolate flavors I've tried (and I've tried MANY). Plus, no soapy MBV taste on those somehow.

My senator found the Minneapolis airport bathroom sufficiently seedy.

I worked at a combination KFC/A&W the summer after high school. Far more unsettling was how the mashed potatoes were made: powdered mix and water goes into a plastic trash can and whipped with the world's largest Kitchenaid stand mixer.

My county fair does deep-fried Oreos and Nutter Butters, and let me tell you, I happily pay the price of admission and the food and don't do much else, and it is so worth it. You haven't lived until you've had one.

My little sister worked at a Ben and Jerry's store when the Schweddy Balls flavor came out a couple years ago, and she was encouraged to ask people to "try my schweddy balls." From what I hear, the ice cream just tasted like straight up rum flavoring.

I got the Paragard IUD three years ago (how time flies!) and while it hasn't exactly been all roses and cookies, it beats accidentally getting pregnant.