This schtick is getting pretty tired, man. That thing is a bare-bones penalty box that frankly looks pretty sad and dated. Ok, reliable motor and trans. Don’t you want a little more than that in life, though?
This schtick is getting pretty tired, man. That thing is a bare-bones penalty box that frankly looks pretty sad and dated. Ok, reliable motor and trans. Don’t you want a little more than that in life, though?
This thing is the bastard poster child of the International Confuckteration of Douchebros. Start here and work your way up to Harley Davidson tattoos and pissing Calvin stickers.
I would suggest you test drive the car first to make sure that is indeed what you want. Then shop the deals, the best deal might be two hrs away and it would be a waste to make that long trip for car you didn’t end up liking. If you need some help, you know how to find me.
Yeah, why would anyone expect to get a tortilla when they just spent $12 on what might generously be $4 worth of burrito components?
“How many pieces do you need to cut this pie into?”
So let me make sure I have all this in hand:
These things were trash when they were new (I grew up in one), they were trash when I bought one for 500 bucks 15 years ago for a roadtrip, and they’re trash now.
A running, driving 35 year old convertible in decent shape with good parts availability for $2,750? Absolutely a nice price.
In that moment, Randall stopped owning a Ford Expedition. He picked up his keys, and began gathering the supplies needed to change his status among Apache Junction’s HOA: This is a case of Keystone, a hacksaw, and years of pent up frustration.
Can I give you a word of advice? First of all, as much as you love this Jeep, its gone. As in there is no way I would trust driving that thing at freeway speeds without fear of a major structural failure. So let it go.
I similarly had a life-threatening experience, though a little older at 41. I stopped work, and haven’t returned for 3 years and have no plans to. I lost all sense of the future and gained more than just global wanderlust, I picked up the RV bug.
Started with a T@B, which is a 16' both more modern and larger than the…
That’s a beautiful wagon.
Available in the US in 25 years. Woot!!!!
I never tip the washroom attendant, if only because I never agreed to his presence and honestly would be more comfortable if there were no washroom attendant. Point me to a washroom without an attendant, instead. I will tip you out if you point me to a washroom without an attendant.
Yup! Even if you want something like this, here’s three Marshall-brand mini-amps that you can actually plug a guitar into, along with 1/4" headphone-outs, all priced at at least a 75% discount from this...thing:
Yup! Even if you want something like this, here’s three Marshall-brand mini-amps that you can actually plug a guitar…
CP for all the friggin trash in the photos.
That car had a somewhat unusual feature -- it was designed to have the oil siphoned out the dipstick tube. The tube was bigger than usual, about 1/2", and went clear to the bottom of the pan. I set up a rig where I could suction all the oil out in about 10 minutes. Since the oil filter was on top of the engine, that…
Just doing some quick math here, assuming it’s around what they currently sell for, it’d be around $93K +TTT, so... $105K, plus some options, which means you’d likely land around $115K. Since Audi’s tend to age like a fine... uhm, bread... let’s assume it’s going to be worth $48K in 36 months.
A brand new, high performance, mid-engined, V8 car with a warranty for only $60k? You’re out of your mind! That would be a crazy bargain! No manufacturer would do that!