
One of my friends said that it should have ended immediately following the snap, without showing who got dusted and who didn’t.

Cons: Legs fall asleep

Hot Take / Unwanted advice:

“Fatigue” for a completely optional, recreational experience seems like bullshit anyway. Fucking real life gives me fatigue, not pew-pew and laser swords.

I walked away pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed the movie. It’s definitely a solid entry to the franchise.

I don’t know if any of these throws are “good,” but it’s the one thrown by the guy on the mound that makes everything look ridiculous. The guy second-from-the-left sails his throw, but I think his catcher might’ve been able to stand up and corral it if he hadn’t been in the process of having a baseball thrown at his

That doesn’t help as much as you think it does!

Most of the 12s had already swapped their 18-month-old Seahawks hat for a Sounders one before Butler hit the ground.

Just before the final out, my 95 year old grampa, veteran of two wars, cancer survivor, and long-suffering cubs fan, pulled me aside and, with a tear forming in his steel grey eyes, said, “The blacks ruined this neighborhood and your sister dresses like a whore.” This was for him.

This just confirms to everyone reading that your fan base truly is one of the worst things in sports.

12 since ‘12

It’s hard to feel too bad for a fanbase that’s only been there for 4-5 years.

Let me guess your a Utah Jazz fan too?

Nobody ever bragged about being 2nd (although the Colts did about tied for 3rd).

You must be delightful company during this election season

Every time I almost feel sorry for Indians fans I see pictures like that one woman gingerly clutching her Chief Wahoo board and then I’m just so happy they lost. Fuck them.

Losing indeed does pull fans together. Fans from all over the country and from all walks of life came together in celebration of that Seahawks loss.

I’m just glad the Seahawks somehow came up in this conversation.