
Upper right hand corner of the reply, drop down/dismiss.

Holy shit, the Co$ is hitting hard with replies (that I’m dismissing). Fucking crazies.

You better :)

Absolutely, Mister Gristle.

P.S. You better be there tonight!

Thank you, Andrew. This has to get more attention. Supporting this asshole’s career is supporting a cult.

Just share music you love. luvforallmusik and stillfedup are kind of the guardians of the thread, but you are a regular - make yourself known. You’re a good egg.

P.S. Post on DUAN. I can’t promise anything but it doesn’t hurt.

Tom Cruise put his niece into slave labor. We should not be okay supporting this guy.

That’s ridiculous. I see you over on AVC too :) Yeah, I’m a sucker for a cute avie.

RC, why are you grey??

That man taught me everything about keeping the staff happy!

This is an odd anecdote but in one of my first jobs, I had a boss who had staff meetings in a bar and in the first one (that I recall) he screamed, “More Steely Dan!” at the cover band on stage.

Thanks my friend :)

I thought you hated me so much. I didn’t want you to hate me. I hope you don’t hate me.

No no, thank the people on Clashtalk. I was catching up on all the crazy there and happened upon this topic :)

Dan Snyder truly is the Dr. Evil of the NFL.