
Name of my (imaginary) future band.

It's sad; even TomatoFace turned the computer off every day. When you've made TomatoFace seem like a model Kinja citizen, you've pretty much failed at your online life.

Well, I will probably just stick to home base or Reddit for a while. It was a blissful twelve days away, you know? Don't need this shit.


They are back already with a new account.

The one below is fake too...he's been hitting me up for a couple of days with my friends' fake accounts, weirdly recommending everything I say, LOL.


You're doing it the hard way.

I would think Owl is easy to spell...

I always thought she came off cold, which is odd because most movie stars become movie stars because of their magnetism and warmth. Now that her coldness and dumbness have been confirmed, I have a reason to dislike her without feeling guilty about it.

Live in Oklahoma. Can confirm it's Satan's armpit.

And Dr. Who had a great episode about a space whale that the city of London was attached to. In space. In the far future. It sounds ridiculous but it was really rather sad, actually.

Or...he makes you feel so dang inadequate, making you realize that you'll never be as good a parent as he, that you decide right there and then to never have kids. Thanks Burneko!

On Mondays, I drive home like a maniac on Bath Salts, so I can pop the moscato and laugh and commiserate and laugh some more! God help any old ladies or children that get in my way on the roads of Boston and Cambridge! You know what's worse than being charged with vehicular manslaughter? Having to wait one more minute

C'mon now! You know that "foreign" means "London, England" to white-trash Amurrica! We're vaguely aware that there are countries in a galaxy far, far away that speak Wookie or something but who wants to do any mental work while watching an Adam Sandler disaster? Let's just keep going with the traditional rule that

Now playing

Nothing beats coming home after a long-ass day, taking a quick shower, getting OUT of the shower, popping some of your generous roommates painkillers, waiting a half hour and then pouring some nice, cheap moscato while listening to:

But he can't help himself! As Cookie said, he has mommy issues!

SNL (and January Jones) had the best ever take on the 50's housewife; still one of my favorite sketches ever!

Remember the kerfuffle with Joan and the Fashion Police writers, who felt they were getting screwed because the producers, including Joan, wouldn't let them unionize? I don't think that issue was ever settled to their satisfaction and maybe I'm being paranoid but I'm thinking they saw an opportunity to take the show

So you grew up to be Anne Hathaway, right? Loved your work in "Prada"! Really hate you otherwise!!