
I cannot for the life of me get why people don’t get this. This isn’t looking for a minority mentor. This is someone deliberately misrepresenting a conversation for attention and advocate street cred. She threw a colleague (in the loosest sense) under the bus when that colleague didn’t deserve it. She got called out

Major props to Tilda for releasing the conversation too.

The only way to handle thirsty people.

I think Cho comes off looking worse in this than Tilda. Though my first thought was why on earth would she seek out the opinion of Margaret Cho in the first place? It seems like just such a bizarre out of nowhere email to send to someone. I mean maybe there is some more backstory here that we aren’t getting, but that

I’m guessing that Cho doesn’t understand why a lot of people are pissed at her. It has nothing to do with her feelings that Asian actors should play Asian roles, which is completely valid. Everyone’s pissed because she took what was supposed to be a private conversation, twisted it into the worst possible

You’re completely correct. That being said, the alternative is even worse. Most people don’t generally use a password manager at all. How many times have we seen a story that reveals that there are humans out there who still use 123456 as their password? How many people use the same password on every site?