
I’m more freaked out by the prospect of having an electric car when there’s no power for a week...

Hurricanes, Trump, police shootings, health care, tax reform, and countless other important issues but thank goodness we have Hillary Clinton sucking up lots of airtime so she can sell her book of grievances for personal profit. What a perfect cap for her career as she goes out trying to squeeze every single dollar

She didn’t “get it.” People were suffering in the midwest... she ignored them, because she thought she had the election all sewn up and she didn’t need them. They responded to her arrogance by handing her a devastating loss. Even Michigan, a reliable Democratic stronghold, went with Trump instead.

Any consideration for the view point that it is unhealthy to the individual to generate a lifelong perception that “feeding me is the government’s job”?


Which I in part pay for through income and consumption taxes.

The name is fine... overly sensitive people aren’t but here we are

i agree, i don’t want estate given to the state when I die.

Dude, you’re from a state that is frozen over 10 months of the year, and now live in a goddamned swamp.

Fall weather is the best- perfectly temperate, not too hot or too cold. Also, any season that has football is by definition a superior season to other seasons. That really cannot be overstated.

Wow, that must be a record for managing to destroy an argument with the opening 2 lines.

Fuck Harvard. Do I give a shit about Harvard? I do not.

this was supposed to be sarcasm. the internet, ladies and gentlemen.

Did you just ASSUME their social status? Why? Just because the own lifted trucks they are instantly REDNECKS?! Disgraceful. The correct term is “southern truck enthusiasts” thank you very much.

The kids a lost cause. Give it to him.

Personally I prefer the older style over the newer style 4th Gen.

I love the “catfish” Camaro. It’s underrated. It was a far more modern and superior car to the mustang at the time. I miss understated good looks. These cars look positively badass lowered with nice wide wheels and tires on all 4 corners.

If it’s the original optispark unit? Yes. But if it’s been replaced at any point it’s likely gotten the updated design and is stupid reliable.

Something something 911.