
Learn to budget.

C’mon Man!

Won’t have that exhaust tho.

If you keep your tank full, and have some jerry cans on hand - you have enough fuel to get out of almost anywhere.

Standard e1o fuel has a shelf life of about 3 months, so you put your stock on about a three month rotation.

Jerry cans exist though, so I can store a lot of fuel easily.

It maintained a set of conditions where you were able to accrue all of that wealth.

I pay into the system every year - to the tune of about 30% of my gross income, which doesn’t include additional consumption taxes.

No more swamp ass

The natural end to all this is pure socialism.

The idea that when I die, my accumulated “wealth” is seized by the government instead of being dispersed to my children (or to whome I see fit) is terrifying.

Want one.


Fuckin’ Christ..

Nothing is 100% secure. Transponders are a good idea.

Not for me bruh.

The police should be ensure that no one is hurt, keep calm, and that only items of necessity are taken.

This should serve as a reminder to everyone to have a plan for such events.