
Why the hell hasn’t Trump been arrested and imprisoned already for inciting the capitol insurrection? If any other (not rich) man had done such a thing, they would already be in jail. They tell us that the law applies to all, equally, but it is clear that the law is illegitimate now. There is enough evidence, give me

I lived in Pocatello for over a year. There were over 50 Mormon temples for a community of 40,000 at the time. They ran everything. They absolutely would not hire any native from the next-door reservation for anything, for any reason, in any job. They barely tolerated their physical existence within town - the police

AI image creation is exactly the same thing human artists do - every artist develops a style born from every piece of art they have ever seen. Nobody ever creates anything from nothing. The human brain learns from everything that has come before, remixes and smears it all together and spits out work that - because we

White Americans love slavery so much that even when they outlawed slavery with the 13th Amendment, they couldn’t outlaw it completely.

I’ll leave Twitter if Musk puts Trump (and other anti-American terrorists) back on to spew hate speech. But I still think there is a chance, however small, that Musk might not be entirely willing to help kill America.

I thought she was lying, now I am certain she is an insane mess.

You are wrong for the simple reason that people do not speed because they lack education or knowledge of the rules. People speed because they want to go fast and there is no consequence that they fear - including their own death, which most people cannot accept or imagine effectively.

Oh, Benson... Dear Benson, you are so mercifully free of the ravages of intelligence!” -Ultimate Evil, Time Bandits, 1981

First, no, that is not true. Some, and only some sects of Christianity think it is a sin. Most other religions do not, and it was not a sin in early America at all: Benjamin Franklin himself put abortion instructions in a schoolbook for age 9-11.

Republicanism is the party of white supremacy, fascism, and Christian Nationalism. Period. There is no reason for a decent, rational person to vote Republican ever, for any reason whatsoever. 


Overwatch is dead, Blizzard is not your friend, and the whole thing is a screw job. Your old Overwatch disk is a leaky coaster now, and all the character stuff you paid for - well, they took that away. You just got ripped off.

To even suggest that a HOA should have the right to determine how you decorate the inside of your own home is a totalitarian argument. It is inherently anti-American and inherently ridiculous besides. Following such logic, an HOA could demand that no person have sit-down desks or chairs and require people to only have

At this point in history, voting Republican, for anything, ever, is an act of violence against women and an act of sedition against the United States. There is no excuse for being Republican any more beyond sheer, spiteful, evil.

As everyone found out after the original Overwatch’s servers were taken offline, NOTHING is yours and everything you pay for will one day be useless, gone, taken from you, stolen away, removed, or permanently locked away from you.

The Supreme Court of the United States is an illegitimate and false court deliberately packed with ideologically driven usurpers of the established rule of law.

I am genuinely concerned that you are correct. I think there is a high chance that the fascist Republican machine will take the upcoming election by virtue of carefully planted stooges in the election process, and once installed, America will plunge into open Christian Nationalist, white supremacist fascism and de

It is generally not known by most of the public, but the Electric Light Orchestra, with Jeff Lynne, not only secretly presides over all Chess matters but also is a consultant for international Uno as well. 

Feminism and forced birth are mutually opposing viewpoints.

Now Kailee, whose fault is all of this, hmmm? Did you vote? Picket any Planned Parenthoods? You are the ‘quintessential pro-life Texan’, right?