
It won’t be a gamer that defaces it. It will be a punk ganger who will tag it incessantly with his gang name. The gamers are gonna be home playing games - like they should - and staying out of trouble (statistically).

Like their fake, indeterminate ‘apology’ for bowing to Chinese totalitarianism, even suggesting that avoiding having a female black character has anything to do with ‘storytelling’ is a straight up pile of equine feces. ANY previous woman character could have been black without changing one damn thing. Mercy? Could’a

Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within. Kojima is dead wrong.

No more Blizzard products for me.

He didn’t violate anything - he was punished for speaking freely about democracy on his own time, away from Blizzard’s cameras, apart from a Blizzard event.

Blitzchung was punished for supporting democracy - an American ideal - on his own time, very much apart and away from any Blizzard cameras or event. No contract can silence you from supporting American ideals in your off-hours.

If an American company is punishing people for supporting American values on their own time, away from official events, then that is something that needs to be revolted against. Unless, of course, you personally despise American freedom of speech and democracy. If you don’t, if you support American democratic ideals,

Either you support people talking about democracy on their own time, away from events, or you do not. Blizzard punished Blitzchung for supporting democracy - an American Ideal - when he was off on his own, away from their event.

Blizzard needs to actually state that they were wrong in punishing Blitzchung for speaking about Hong Kong on his own time, away from Blizzard’s events. Blizzard needs to remove all punishments from Blitzchung, and state clearly that they stand for, and support, democracy and freedom of speech, and that their previous

Blizzard did not apologize. That should be pointed out in the article. They never once mentioned what they were apologizing for, or why, the entire statement was empty, generalistic marketing-speak. They did not mention Hong Kong or Blitzchung at all. They did not regret anything specific at all, and they did not

People seem to forget that ‘Pokemon’ is a contraction. It is actually ‘POcKEt MONsters’ - as in real MONSTERS. Fantasy RPG monsters, the kind heroes fight, the kind that destroy villages and eat people. Horrible, awful monsters that creep in the night or slaughter in the day. That is their origin. That is what they

The police are state-sanctioned thugs. Never trust the police. Never call the police. Never talk to police. The police are not your friends, they exist only to serve the interests of the powerful, and to satisfy their own self-chosen bloodlusts. The police are evil now. Avoid the police as if your very life depended

America is a rogue totalitarian nation that pretends to have democracy and justice. Anyone who thinks otherwise need only look at this case, and they will know that they are fools.

I said that about, and to, Activision’s executives back in 1984, when I worked for them. Activision has always been evil.

Get a medium sized group of people together who want to cross the wall. Carry two thirty-foot lightweight ladders on the desert trip. Lean one against the wall at an angle. Climb up it, and work with the others to manhandle the other ladder up and over the wall, then use it to climb down the other side. Angle the

When you greedily sell out to a brutal totalitarian regime, you kinda have to expect that maybe people might take it poorly. That’s a Gamer Protip, by the way.

It has been published already, in 1959. The book is very famous, and it was called ‘Black Like Me’. It is literally “My Time Among the Blacks”. The white author had his skin medically darkened, and altered the shape of his nose and the texture and color of his hair so he could pass as black, but if questioned always

Blizzard sold out democratic and free speech values in order to kiss totalitarian China’s asshole for money. This was just a test to see exactly what kind of sell-out that Blizzard is. Total, or situational. They’re situational sell-outs. Now we know! Regardless of this, Blizzard still deserves nothing but abuse.

The only reason this is happening has little to do with increasing winds - it has everything to do with failing to upgrade or even upkeep basic infrastructure. PG&E raked in massive profits while spending too little to maintain the grid. A robust and modern electrical grid could weather these storms... but that would

Under a Republican-packed Supreme Court, we are all fucked. America is dead, folks. Stick a fork in it.