How can Nancy Pelosi - who is clearly supporting and not fighting Trump - be replaced? How can she be stripped of power, and somebody who actually wants to fight Trump be installed?
How can Nancy Pelosi - who is clearly supporting and not fighting Trump - be replaced? How can she be stripped of power, and somebody who actually wants to fight Trump be installed?
I feel convinced that the average citizens of Germany, when this was just beginning for them, too, complained to each other just like we are right here, now. About how the camps were bad, and how it was wrong, and how the Leader was dumb-looking, but, whatcha gonna do, right? It’s so sad that everything has sunk this…
I want haptic gloves to go with my VR headset. With such gloves ALL controllers become available inside the virtual world. Bring out the commercial gloves.
Professional Actor Complains About Having To Act - Stunning Old News!
Do you honestly believe that voting in 2020 will do any good at all? Do you truly think Trump will step down, shake hands, and go away? That the dominant Conservatives that monolitically empower and support everything he does will just shrug and go “Oh well! Time for a Democratic president now!”
Perhaps you could lock and bolt the door to the room you play VR in. Move something heavy in front of that door as well. You could string a tripwire, with eyehooks in the walls, so that should a leg pull it, it would yank out the power plug on your computer. Then, nobody physical could possibly sneak up on you. If you…
Moose turd pie looks mighty fine on the outside, all steaming, crispy brown and delicious, with such a fine pie crust. And everybody likes pie, pie has a great reputation in the past. In the past.
I’m sploiting in my jeans just thinking about it!
I don’t like America any more, I definitely don’t love it. I feel no loyalty to this steaming pile of monopoly capitalist, white supremacist, institutionally homophobic, gerrymandering, womb-colonizing, Constitution-ignoring and ultimately evil nation of corrupt rent-seekers. I’ll say it - I hate, I fucking hate what…
It was also the awesome move.
Of course the bent down to China - and not just because of the censorship issue. Look at the other changes, especially in the costumes the characters wear. Ever played the ‘Dynasty Warriors’ games, or any other games about Chinese history or mythology? Yes - those are the armor and clothing designs you recognize. Even…
This fourth of July, forget fireworks. Burn the flag. Burn the fucking flag.
It’s missing some nodes. Is it moving slowly and steadily? Does it change direction suddenly at right angles to the previous trajectory? Is it perfectly triangular, with rounded edges and no features at all? Does it make no sound whatsoever? Is it large enough to see clearly? Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, all the yes.
No, I seriously don’t think a mythological character is going to help.
Does anyone think that merely voting is going to change one damn thing about any of this? Who thinks America can be saved any longer?
This is nothing less than a coup. A bloodless coup. Your government is being stolen from you as you sit and do nothing more than whine. You don’t march, you don’t take up arms, you don’t fight, you don’t do anything but sit like blobs in front of screens sighing for a fairness you do not work to deserve.
I cannot stand Evangelion. I find it whiny, unfinished, and filled with empty angst. BUT - I love the angels! The monsters-of-the-week in Evangelion are diverse, interesting, and extremely cool.
Until Republicanism, and all Republicans, are permanently removed from power, forever, America will continue to be a place of concentration camps and the murder of innocents.
The longer Trump is not in prison, the worse things are going to get. The fault is ours - all of ours - for not pushing our elected officials into removing such evil from office. Is this what we are all reduced to - whining that Trump is doing crazy, evil things? Of course he is, and of course the Republicans are…
We need 99 more of her and zero Republicans.