For all of their problems and even outright evil once corruption sets in, this is why unions were created. And it is why unions should be brought back and supported within society.
For all of their problems and even outright evil once corruption sets in, this is why unions were created. And it is why unions should be brought back and supported within society.
The reason a fetus cannot speak is because it cannot think. Because there is nobody home. Because the brain is so undeveloped and so unconnected that it cannot yet create consciousness. A fetus may be sentient: like a plant it can respond to stimulus, but it is not sapient - self aware, conscious, capable of…
Of course not. ‘Whataboutism’ and ‘Straw Man’ are not valid logical tactics, and because of this, you just failed the discussion.
Humans are natural animals, humans are naturally omnivorous: Vegans are virtue-signalling bourgeois jackanapes.
Kanye is Uncle Ruckus from The Boondocks.
“No means yes, and yes means anal!”
Because real mint costs a hundredth of a penny more per kilo. The shareholders must be protected from the terror of returns that fail to constantly rise.
Human rights. And the right to decency. And rightness itself. And above all else: right instead of wrong.
Damn, that man is ripped. His muscles have muscles.
I am horrifically allergic to horses. Would eating the meat be dangerous to me? Or are live animal allergies separate from cooked meat situations?
All of the changes in Overwatch are ones which serve hard-core players by demanding increasing levels of skill and ability - and I hate this. I am not at that level and I never will be, but that does not mean I did not enjoy playing with characters - like Symmetra and Pharah - that allowed me to hang back and lay…
If Kavanaughever sits on the supreme court, that is the moment you will know that the coup succeeded and America has been finally and truly stolen from you forever.
Just recently, a cop shot a man in his own apartment because the cop imagined they had entered their own apartment and found a stranger there, the number of cops who have straight-up gunned down innocent children this year is large, and there are cops recently that have openly admitted that they joined just so they…
We are in the middle of a coup d’etat - of course the FBI investigation is going to be limited, hamstrung, and will conveniently come up empty... unless they deliberately violate their arbitrary limits and openly defy Trump. Which makes this another little turning point where we can see if America actually can survive…
I will answer your question: it is universally wrong for any person to control or limit what a woman - or any person - chooses to do with, or to, their own body. It is a universal truth that if you cannot completely own your own body, then you cannot be a full person: you are a slave to someone else’s control and thus…
We need a ‘Hitler’s Downfall’ video for this. It would be awesome.
They were, in point of fact, cybernetically augmented genetically engineered ostriches, storks and buzzards. Player 2 rode a stork, enemies rode buzzards. The setting was a far-future cyber-medieval situation!
I am not kidding: tint his skin green, and his lips red in that photo and he is literally Pepe the Racist Frog. Seriously. I wish I was kidding.
There’s an easier and much less expensive alternative to the Cryo Chamber Recovery. Wait for winter and take the fucking garbage out. You’ve been Cryo-ed! Pretentious git.
Nintendo truly is both awesome and terrible in equal measure.