
There are also Santa Claus people too - the first, and so far only, person I met in No Man’s Sky hopped out of his ship, handed me 90,000,000 units worth of stasis devices, waved, and flew off to leave my game. Just like that.

Goddamn, are you ignorant. I am honestly surprised. It’s like you couldn’t even be arsed to read the definitions, the medical differences between transsexualism and dissociative identity disorder at all.They are so vastly different, you might as well be comparing a bicycle to a cup of coffee.

Paid administrative leave? You mean a paid vacation? FUCK that shit. They should be terminated. Take that as you will.

You, clearly, have never suffered bedbugs. Death is warmly welcome to those who are infested with bedbugs.

Philosophically, I disagree. What comes out is the only extant representation of you in the universe. That is you. That is all it could be: you. It is not a clone, because it is not a copy - there is only one you, the one that steps out after transport.

Fuck you, Eyesrolltothemoon, fuck you straight to hell with razors.

I am old. I saw what Nixon the incompetent crook did, and what Reagan the Alzheimery puppet of the rich allowed to happen, and all I have to say is that admitting to being a Nixon/Reagan Republican is like admitting to holding the lighter during an arson investigation.

inept troll is inept.

Cookies reward desired behavior, which then is more likely to be repeated. Praising people for doing what they should have done anyway shouldn’t be thought of as a burden or a reason to get upset: it should be thought of as the power to increase the likelihood of getting what you want. It should be thought of as

FATE core is the real deal.

I got yelled at by Harlan, once, at a convention. He misunderstood something and came at me like a madman. When he realized he was wrong, he sputtered a curt ‘sorry’.

I now know that earth is literally hell.

I now know that earth is hell.

Does anyone seriously believe that - voting, within the system - can fix this anymore?

Yes, there is a Car God, and everything he does can be described as being a Deus Ex Machina. Obviously.

Yes. It was a grim day when the last Pontiac Chieftain lay crushed at Dented Fender.

The were all sapient sleds.

Car Pilgrims were sapient Chrysler Plymouths.

I really loved that silly game. Sneak King was... well, it was fun is what it was. It was!

Splatoon is a post-apocalypse future where Man is extinct along with most other forms of life, including, as stated, mammals (for the most part - there is a genetically engineered cat and son in the game, preserved in a cryo capsule from just past our time).