
Dad. Go back to the grave. Your time is over, dad.

Thank you, that actually helped me understand. None of this has anything to do with the book or the movie - it’s just anger, blame, and... more blame and anger. Not without cause - yes, the world sucks because of greed and shortsightedness. The economy is indeed ruined, and life is going to suck from pretty much now

Dad? Is that really you, back from the dead? God, I hope not. You really sucked the first time around.

Unless you are living in your mother’s basement for free, like a human leech, then you have a job - a job where your employer told you, straight up, to provide your labor at the price he chose, the wage he set. And you did that, because that is HOW THE WORLD WORKS.

Ready Player One is a book written by a geek and a nerd for other geeks and nerds and that is what it is, and it does that fantastically. You who are so negative, so scowling, are you happily geeks? Are you proudly nerds? Then you love the book - it is basically a litmus test in that regard. Otherwise, shut the hell

Then only doctors who are willing to accept controlled, rational wages, and who became doctors to actually help people - and not just to cynically get rich - will have jobs. And that would be beyond good for everyone... except cynical, greedy bastards. Which, actually, is also good.

Every human being, in every tribe or group, dating back the past 500,000 years ALWAYS depends on other people because we are a social animal and we are all we have. The purpose of government is to protect and care for the people, in exchange for that the people give the government money and authority. Therefore, as

In every other first world industrialized nation, health care is a basic human right, and not a ‘privilage’. Only America denies the basic humanity that all other nations naturally recognize. God damn America. God damn it to hell.

I’m disabled and Amazon is my lifeline to the world. I can’t drive, Amazon brings the world to my door. All corporations are evil to various degrees... this is the nature of Man. Why trade evils? Amazon is still relatively benign despite the issues listed - which is horrible by itself - but it is also the most

You state this as if capitalism is an excuse for any and all atrocity. Moral Protip: it isn’t.

Quitting that job almost certainly saved your very soul. Good call.

America is the only first world, technological nation that fails to have a basic human right to health care and socialized medicine as standard. Only in America is health care a privilage and not a right.

No, I don’t agree. The Chicago episode of Stranger Things 2 defined the character of Eleven/Jane through the action of her making a life-determining moral and ethical choice: whether to deal with her outrage through vengeance, or through saving and helping others. It was absolutely necessary, because Eleven is a

God damn America, the only technological, supposedly First World nation that does not have a socialized medical system and an established basic human right to medical care. ‘Life Liberty and the pursuit of happiness’ are empty lies when health care is considered a ‘luxury’ item that is a privilage and not a right.

I am painfully convinced that all is already lost, that there literally is no hope for any restoration of power to the common man. We have entered an age of kings and serfs by other names, the absolute rule of oligarchy, of rule by the wealthy. It is, I think, the final round of the zero-sum game of capitalism.

You ...could... but really, it’s for your nuggets. To get the full experience, open the sauce containers, set them on the floor, take off your pants and panties and waggle your nuggets in the thick, sticky goo. Just get swishy with them, swish your nuggets in that sweet, sweet sauce. Now you’re McLovin’ It.

A hyperviolent mass murderer famous for large-scale massacres of helpless civilian populations during his conquests certainly cannot be insulted today! What a shameful thing for a wacky comic book to do! Surely horrific genocidal conquering slaughterers must be respected!

Dogs, above all domesticated animals, are special. They are the first domesticated animal, they co-evolved in lockstep with the beginnings of humanity. They comprehend our body language and mannerisms, our sounds and facial expressions better than they do their own. Dogs are absolutely attuned to human needs, human

Um... Annihilation is about a zone where the usual laws of reality no longer work the same way, and about the scientists that go there to see what’s up. There are no perfect teens, no dystopias, and pretty much nothing about which you are complaining.

Sounds like nearly croaking got her plum scared that Jesus might just not approve of bigotry or something. So she’s building a stairway to heaven.