
I think it would be a smart move for Blizzard to add Badminton, or tennis, or somesuch - soccer too, maybe - to Overwatch as a mode. No shooting, just using a racket, or feet and a ball. Maybe the use of unique abilities or character talents. Levels designed for it.

Philosophy is people telling wild and fanciful stories about the universe. Philosophers discover nothing except the contents of their own minds, hopes, fears, and dreams.

Overwatch offers a lot of things no other shooter does, things I want, and a lot of people want. A truly beautiful Pixar-Dreamworks Blue Sky In Games world filled with details and lore. It really is a world worth fighting for, as one of the characters says. I want to live there. It’s an awesome future environment. And

If being a Social Justice Warrior means not being a ‘tarded bag full of shriveled dicks, then sign me up.

Stinking apes the lot of them. All of them, every human involved in that event is a pathetic, immature, stinking monkey. Their existence on the earth diminishes us all.

Because torture - which is what this is - is always wrong.

It’s called the Opening To The Original Jonny Quest television series.

Drunk or stupid? Tonight on KTRK Houston News, we examine the ongoing question: “What’s Wrong With Texas?” featuring a special live report from a large pool of water that people drive into and then fail to comprehend they must get out of somehow. Viewer attention is advised. Seriously, pay attention for a damn change

I’ve been using the Vive for almost a week now. I have walked on the bottom of the ocean, passed through dimensional gates to other worlds, fought magically animated skeleton warriors, blocking blows with a sword in my hand, and I have played fetch with a robot dog on a mountainside in Iceland. I have chatted with

Any person who regularly uses ‘SJW’ signals that they have nothing of value to say, that they have personal issues they cannot cope with, that they need help but do not deserve respect.

Now playing

This is the grossest thing my body has ever done.

Maybe it’s time to consider how GamerGate, as a thing, can be ended - and with it, how new and rising hate-groups of the future can be prevented from having such undeserved, and undesirable power.

I don’t think the Playstation VR looks goofy - frankly, I think it looks kinda cool. It’s much lighter looking than the Vive or the Oculus, and the lights are future-awesome in an almost retro-80's way. It’s got style and pizzazz!

DONORCYCLE! Hero of the blind and liver-less! Ride, Donorcycle, ride like a maniac... just keep your donor card on you at all times.

Yes, yes it was. He was endangering himself and others by being an aggressive driving dick. Now he is off the road. If he got hurt, it is his own fault - he could have followed the law, he could have maintained a proper and safe distance, he could have not been an asshole.

Is what happened to the tailgater unjust? I would say not. He didn’t have to be an aggressive driving dick. He could have maintained the appropriate, safe distance.

let’s not pretend that a large majority of the non-furry community isn’t into all kinds of pornography, or that there’s no one walking around in a business suit that they’ve worn during sex.

They could have asked the Russians for help. The Soyuz is an incredibly solid and workman-like piece of technology, and it would likely simply fit right inside the Columbia’s pressurized bay for easy crew evacuation. The antique Soyuz is still used even today for the international space station as the ride of choice

I know just the speech he should give to Parliament:

This video just made me so incredibly sad. I want that. I want what he has shown there so much... and it will never, ever happen.