
How we got to this point:

I suspect the real function of the driver is to clean up the barf and deter passengers from having sex in the cars.

I do hope the Jalopnik staff are at least getting a C8 for all their efforts.

Then you should know where they vanished to lol

Everyone knows cars go fastest in √-1th gear.

Lapid: “Anything but green.”

There was “some stuff that needs to be done”

If they make it to 99 problems, hopefully a bitch won’t be one.....

Subaru’s internal report said it wanted to “break out of the bottom” and improve to 101 problems in 2019, then move up to “middle ranking,” with 90 problems in 2020. But in the 2019 results, released last week, it finished seventh from the bottom, with 113 problems.

There’s so much variance in how to measure HP that it might really just be an honest mistake and under-promising and over-delivering.

GM fails to reinvent the wheel, but they took a crack at it.

No 30mm BRRRRRRRT, no deal.

Makes me sad everytime i think about my Forester XT not coming with a stick;(

I’m not THAT much better than that, let’s  be honest.

“2.4 turbo with a 6mt would be really fun,”

Put it in a giant bag of rice when you’re done with the soak and it should be a-okay!

How does it compare to the GTX?

When my oil arrived there was a big scratch on the label. 1/5 stars. I have no thoughts on the quality of the oil itself.

I hate the smell of Gear Lube