Or with the ends puffed up. Swollen cans are not your friend.
I still find it crazy that while Botulism absolutely will try its best to kill you, it’s also something that is deliberately injected into the body for other purposes.
I learned about botulism from a young age and have been paranoid of any can with a rust spot or dent ever since.
Coming in the clutch?
I once worked at a company that made a licensed Hulk electronic toy with a similar design. It had progressed far in the prototype stage. The product was canceled before it had been sent to Marvel for approval. Too bad I don’t have the 3D print anymore.
Of course there are knives out for Fauci. Dolt45 and his propaganda network (“Fox News”) have convinced their viewers that anyone that actually speaks some truth is part of the Deep State. Conspiracy theory fanatics abound. You heard about the guy last night who attempted to crash a locomotive into the Naval hospital…
Hadn’t my coffee yet. D'oh, used.
Don’t buy these things. They don’t interoperate with other audio components. You’re buying lock in to Sonos hardware. And no, Sonos, speakers don’t sound all that great. If you’re willing to spend $250 on a set of amplified speakers, I absolutely guarantee you can find something that will sound better that you can use…
Don’t buy these things. They don’t interoperate with other audio components. You’re buying lock in to Sonos…
A thief jimmies the door and breaks in. He bends down to start working on the ignition - and doesn’t notice that the air is growing occluded. He coughs a bit. Then a bit more. He smells metal. Then he coughs up blood. He sits up. The air is thick now - rusty dust has filled the cabin and he can’t even see out the…
They run, but one has bad brakes and needs suspension work, one is probably going to burn to the ground if the transfer case keeps leaking on the cat (plus it has a bad cylinder head), and the other has a bent front axle.
So, that’ll probably take care of the issue.
They don’t run... One way to keep thieves from driving off with them.
The follow up is you don’t know if the girl in the Bronco II was actually okay. Sure, she got up, but injuries from that kind of accident can show up days later.
I’m glad you got smart and sorry there are so many idiots in the comments jerking themselves off about street racing.
Similar for me, only I never raced in traffic and none of my races ended in wrecks. Most were just quick 5-10 second runs, then it was over, but at some point it clicked for me that even if I wasn’t an idiot, I had no idea how stupid the guy I was racing was, and if he took someone out I could be held responsible. …
easy to street park, less than $35k, not boring, 99% driven alone, is minimalist but not crappy
I've already got one but may update it by the time shelter in place is over, depending on how crazy my daughter and wife make me.
^^^ Yup!
Before considering Zencastr, Discord and whatnot, why not go with most businesses trust for good reasons: Webex, Microsoft Teams, or GoToMeeting. Heck, even RingCentral, AT&T, Comcast, Verizon, and practically every carrier offer business class video conferencing that runs circles around the likes of Skype and the…