
The only other one I can think of is Larry Bird.

In soccer there’s people like Pep Guardiola and Zidane, but it’s a much less even playing field there so it’s harder to judge.

There’s a school of thought that argues it’s harder for great players to become good GM/coaches because they’re less able to relate to and get

Dan Gilbert sucks, but what did he ever deny LeBron in his second stint? Since you don’t give any evidence of how Gilbert “was never going to facilitate building the team he really needed,” let’s look at some of the moves Cleveland made that LeBron pushed for:

I think you make an excellent point, so let’s expand on it: What kind of an owner/executive will LeBron be? He’s long said that he wants to be an owner, and as difficult as that may to be in this current environment where even crap franchises are running $1B+ and being a minority owner gives you zero power, it’s

“Made free throws are all alike; every missed free throw is missed in its own way.”
                                                         - Leo Tolstoy, probably

Yeah, I’m shocked at people who don’t combine their Reserve/Preferred with a Freedom and Freedom Unlimited trifecta, though I was one of those people who only got by with a Reserve when I was abroad for 18 months because it was the only no-foreign transaction fee card I had.

If Chase can introduce a no-foreign

Yeah, I’m shocked at people who don’t combine their Reserve/Preferred with a Freedom and Freedom Unlimited trifecta,

My Taiwanese friends tell me they feel similarly hoodwinked when they find that their Five Yuan tires for their motorscooters are actually made by Goodyear on OEM in Tonawanda, NY.

This, then, is what happens when a king of the three true outcomes loses his bat speed, and with it his power to keep pitchers honest, and is reduced to a one-true-outcome hitter. (The one true outcome for all of us is decline, and, eventually, death.)

Yeah, let’s also add “heart” to that list.

Is it a keeper league? Because if it’s a re-draft league and you got all those guys, I hope your friends play poker too.

(Please invite me)

Third round is too late for chicken tikka masala (or any kind of Indian food). Kevin’s reasoning for ordering food that is a PITA to make at home is well-reasoned, but the food should also keep relatively well, which fried chicken does not (loss of crispiness). Keepability factor is what makes pizza the obvious

My mom’s cooking is great, not sure why so few people (and staff) seem to get my point.

“A caddy tells Reilly that Trump’s golf cart once contained a can of red spray paint, and that Trump marked trees his balls hit with a red ‘X,’” Curtis writes. “The trees were removed the next day.”

If only the shooter had been as accurate as Russ...

RIP, Nipsey.

Things That Are Better Than Not Having Sex in March

1. Watching the Lakers Combust
2. Watching the Celtics Combust
3. Watch Blake Snell Get His
4. Watch Blake Griffith Get His
5. Watch March Madness
6. Watch The Madness of King George
7. Watch Curious George, be horrified at his origin story
438. Getting Hit By a Bus

Now playing

Spectacular read. Shame Dempsey never got a chance to fight Otto the Orange.

This purely transactional “influencer”-restaurant exchange is slimy as all hell. But I’m curious to learn more about how restaurants make their social media/PR decisions, everything from how they manage their FB/Insta/Twitter accounts to how they deal with purported “influencers” who try to cadge free stuff for their