
You live in a building of some sort, no?

Sensationalist journalism at its best (worst?). "Let's write an article about those evil, evil, big oil companies, that will get us many views! Who needs to actually research, people will just be foaming at the mouth mad reading the title. They won't notice that earthquakes don't happen in the ocean. I am such a

While I appreciate the fine investigative journalism of this website, I am afraid that the true lede has been buried. I have recently discovered, to my horror, that there are devices that do not have access to Netflix. While my television, AppleTV, DVD played, computer, smartphone, tablet, cat, Roku, PS3, XBone, Wii,

Why isn't the crane that puts the container on the ship able to calculate the weight on the fly? Cameras on the crane could get the serial number off the container via OCR, match the weight to the OCR, and update the databases as the ship is loaded...

Does CNN know about this? They should report this ASAP.

i just shipped my pants.

Wow. Thanks evolution. Evolution? Ev...? Hey, where did you go?