
As one of those dorks that can’t watch 3D without getting a splitting headache, yes yes YES. I’ve had to go to separate screenings from my family and friends many times because of this fucking blight.

I want some brave woman to date one of these guys, put a bit of bacon up there, and when it falls out during sex, tell them that that’s what a hymen looks like. “Oh, yeah, it’s supposed to smell hickory-smoked, that’s how you can tell I’m a for-real virgin”

Guys, I’m like, so broken up that I won’t be able to marry an angry misogynist.

As a dude, this whole double standard is puzzling as hell.

Like they would know what it looked like. PLEASE FOOLS you can’t even find the clitoris.

Favre couldn’t do that - he would have thrown it to one of the defensive backs.

It’s truly amazing how many stupid people will follow these diet fads until they get bored and go back to eating an entire pint of ice cream while watching Netflix.

Eat more fruits and vegetables and lean meats. Stop eating junk food and other bullshit that is obviously terrible for you. And fucking exercise. If you do

My big red list no-no’s - flour, sugar, dairy, and red meat

Unfortunate timing to be sure and it is nice they apologized. However, the Secret Service generally doesn’t even comment on security protocol and has certainly no jurisdiction over the President’s schedule. Their sole purview as it relates to this is to protect their protectees and if that means closing a park, it

Public sector Wisconsin worker here. You’re not allowed to hate him more than I am.

In a just world he would be the world leader in getting hit by trains;

Stories like this are so frustrating. If we should have a conversation about measures for protecting the President or anyone else under the purview of the Secret Service, that’s fine, but it’s unfair to beat on these guys for this one. They were following a well established protocol, not acting on a whim. If they

By all means, continue Pete. I’m sure you’ll get a lot of sympathy over your complaints with bad officiating....

Please please pleeeeeeaaaaasssseee make it Gaiman.

This is no longer a show about the Doctor exploring the universe, it’s a show about the universe obsessing over the Doctor.

Moffat’s execution is brilliant, but his concepts are limited. He keeps doing riffs on the same few ideas. How many times has he repeated the premise of the Doctor facing the end of his life and trying to hide from it? Shouldn’t we have gotten past that after Trenzalore? And most of his plots are driven by bad guys

Well, no matter how bad this episode was, it gave us the Doctor rocking with a guitar on a tank. That was awesome.

The final shot in Blair Witch was ruined for me by my initial impression that he was taking a leak.

Them's fightin' words with the Snuffaluffagus hate! He was my favorite Sesame Street character. Back then Snuffaluffagus was only seen by Big Bird, so there was this great subplot on Big Bird's presumed insanity.