I think Jumba and Pleakley actually got married in an episode of the Lilo&Stitch TV show.
I think Jumba and Pleakley actually got married in an episode of the Lilo&Stitch TV show.
Invention of Love and Arcadia. Invention of Love I saw on Broadway when I was fourteen and it felt like it was made for me—I was a fan of Housman's poetry, curious about LBGT issues but not yet aware I was bi, and taking Latin—and it blew me away. Arcadia I read when I was twelve but it didn't click for a few years,…
Bellamy had a weirdly garbled line about getting Riley to the infirmary and telling everyone else they would take them back to their villages, so it seems like it was supposed to be mostly grounders, with Riley possibly being the only Skikru.
Upvoted because your summary of The 100 finale made me laugh really hard.
Also, that reading only works if you take the game on its own and ignore supplemental material. Which, don't get me wrong, I'm all for ignoring Advent Children, but it still exists and directly contradicts several of the article's points.
I immediately got Death of a Salesman, felt smug about it, and then realized they were looking for the author, couldn't remember who it was, and panicked and guessed Edward Albee.
That poor .1 of a dalmatian.
I loved that movie as a kid, but I'm kind of worried about revisiting it as an adult. But I still can't think of "I Love Paris" without hearing Meg Ryan saying "WITH HIS SLUT GIRLFRIEND."
Excuse you, some of us saw My Little Pony Equestria Girls 2 Rainbow Rocks in a theater next to a strip club and enjoyed the hell out of it.
"Lullaby" still makes me cry, despite my best attempts to be a hardened bitter husk of a person. I want to say I'll overcome that someday, but I'm pretty sure the older my dad gets, the more it will get me, so I'm just leaning into it.
My second grade class went through what is in retrospect a probably really weird Billy Joel phase because we sang "River of Dreams" at a local festival and everyone got super duper into that entire album, so I'll always have a soft spot for that one.
I played XII in Japanese with the help of a strategy guide and some college language courses, so I could get the broad strokes of what I was supposed to do on my own (go to the [string of kanji in a different color] and [murder things until a cut scene begins]) but just sort of gave up on the plot and dialogue. It was…
I forgot about the category name (shame on me), but immediately dinged Vulcan as incorrect because the clue named Aphrodite. Even if the category had just been broad mythology, I would say that signals that the names couldn't be used interchangeably in this case, just as it would have been incorrect to name Hephaestus…
I had a some issues with the Stardew Valley controls on my computer, especially in combat (my character refused to attack the direction I was facing sometimes, which was incredibly frustrating and increasingly resulted in my death to swarms of bats), but I love that kind of game and enjoyed most of what was going on,…
Miller's upgraded to main cast this season! Ditto Harper.
I was frankly shocked someone my brother knows from the Magic: The Gathering community missed a Monty Python clue. I hope his LGS never lets him live that one down.
Yeah, my brother also knows him through mutual MtG acquaintances. He's doing better than the last one, right?
That's why I have trouble believing it's a Final Fantasy for lifetime fans, honestly. One of my earliest memories is watching my brother playing Final Fantasy IV/II and being psyched that there was a cool little girl with green hair that he named after ME. Seeing the ads for XV on TV hit me with a 2x4 of nostalgia…
I took the day off work yesterday (not being able to sleep on Tuesday, I managed, but I couldn't sleep on Wednesday either) and got through five minutes of a Parks and Rec rerun before Leslie made a HRC reference that nearly made me cry, so I checked on demand and was relieved beyond words to almost immediately find I…
Teen Angel lives forever in my heart, mostly because my brother and I quote their anti-SNL burn from the episode where they traveled back in time ("I knew something was wrong. I was watching Saturday Night Live last night and it was fresh and inventive!") with shocking regularity.