
Not BSing, but my dad is a philosophy professor and I always enjoy when his students accidentally talk about casual relationships instead of causal relationships. Those ideas just want to keep their options open! Don't try to tie them down with labels.

This year, a group of friends and I made the not great decision to drive from Boston to Indiana for Gencon, and to do so in one night. Reading Chuck Tingle aloud was one of the things that got us through the trip, and for that alone, I am grateful to him. Also, I can't remember the last time I laughed hard as I did at

My parents tried to show me ET when I was three or so, and the first thirty seconds scared me so much that I ran and hid under their bed for the remainder of the night. I've still never seen the movie.

Message to my girlfriend this morning: I should probably listen to this sad cat song first and get it over with.

For the first time ever, I get to feel cool for going to Mt Greylock Regional High School! Thanks, JK Rowling.

Having seen what Dennis Lee cooks and eats on a weekly basis, this just isn't that impressive, internet.

I own a manga adaptation because I was just so confused that such a product existed.

Oh boy, unrealistic hypotheticals! I have follow-up questions. Am I doing the adaptation, or do they just want to use my idea? How much creative freedom do I have? Do I have to relocate? Am I a consultant, part of the writing team, the head writer, what? If they want to give me some money so I don't sue them for

Yup. I write a ton of fanfic and have zero interest in writing original stuff, in part because writing fanfic is so low-stress and enjoyable. I have a job that pays me money; I don't need writing to do that. I just want to have fun and write goofy romances without worrying about whether or not I can make money off of

Upvoted for the implication that two of the Monkees may be immortal.

Dibs on Ricky Whittle.

A former supervisor of mine is related to Charles Drew, so I was delighted I could not only tell her that he was featured on Jeopardy, but that someone thought he was responsible for sperm banks.

Yeah, it's definitely worth checking out if you have an LGS that runs it and a friend who wants to play. My brother's store them for every prerelease and I can usually dredge up a partner, and that's about the perfect amount of Magic for me.

My life is a never-ending parade of delights.

These days, the only Magic I play is limited, and even then it's just two-headed giant, which is by far my favorite format. In general, with the sprawling history of the game, I feel like there are just too many cards for me to really want to get into serious deck-building, but I enjoy the problem-solving aspect of

On the one hand, I definitely went on an okcupid date with a guy because his profile said he played competitive MTG and I was like, oh I bet he knows my brother, and indeed he did and my brother vouched for him being a cool dude. On the other hand, we didn't click romantically and I didn't fuck him, so I guess maybe

Yeah, there was definitely a period where I had very old-man-yells-at-cloud feelings about the direction of Legos, but I've been happy with recent sets I've gotten. I've always liked to have A Thing that I can build and display for a while, and then I take it apart and make my own stuff, and I don't feel like the new

Desert Palace is definitely my least favorite sequence in that game, to the extent that I clicked into this article hoping to see it. If it didn't start with the red light/green light thing, I'd probably hate it less, but god is that annoying. But I think what really makes that particular section worse than places

My friend who told me about the Hamilton nominations is a stage manager, but still went on a long rant about how bullshit getting rid of that category was.

The amount of detail in that Princess Diaries 2 clue actively angered me. Once they started talking about the Genovian pears I started yelling. And then they gave it to her for Princess Diaries!! I'd say I didn't know I had this many feelings about Disney-movie clues, but that's a dirty lie. I've always known.