
Oh man, the most confusing decision I made, probably in any video game ever, was when you got the opportunity to name Squall's lion from his ring/necklace, and my brother and I decided maybe there would be a neat easter egg if we named it Rinoa. So then, in the final battle, when Ultimecia says she's going to junction

Yeah, I kept getting ads for it on Hulu and every time I thought it was some sort of spoof ad. I refuse to accept that it's a real show and not a rejected 30 Rock joke.

I just watched the show because a friend was watching and enjoying it, and I'll go to bat for it being comparable (if not superior) to BMW at the same time in its run. BMW took a few seasons to settle into its groove, and I think GMW showed a nice growth in the second season. It's not at the level BMW was in its

Every time I see her Weight Watchers commercial where she just says I LOVE BREAD over and over, I think I'm having a psychotic break.

I met him at DragonCon in September and he is definitely a large dude. A large dude who really loves hugs.

My friend sent me an angry text just last night about Hans Zimmer being a hack, so I extra-appreciated that.

My family traditionally does this with movies we want to see for sentimental reasons but believe will be terrible, so we don't have to read the reviews and know exactly how bad they'll be before we go. It works, in that we saw Highlander: Endgame opening night and certainly should not have.

I remember seeing "write an essay about Ayn Rand for cash prizes" posters in college and basically going YOU WON'T FOOL ME RANDIANS.

When I was a small impressionable child hanging out in Yahoo chatrooms, some dude told me to read Atlas Shrugged. I told my dad (a philosophy prof) and he was just like, absolutely not, never read Ayn Rand, never listen to anyone who ever tells you to read Ayn Rand. I think it's the only time he's ever forbidden me

As a little bi-ling, I can confirm that the Boushh/Leia action figure was the one I managed to save fro my brother idiotically trading most of our action figures away, and I treasured it for many years for reasons I did not understand.

I've been doing a rewatch of the whole series since it's on Hulu now, so I gave my brother a minor heart attack when he saw Mycroft in a season two episode and thought he was in the previouslies for this one. Thank goodness he was wrong and Mycroft died on the way to his home planet.

I'm going to save a screenshot of this comment and email it to you next time you complain. I got this.

Oh, also, shout-out to whichever member of the ensemble cast it is who says, "Yo, who the eff is this?" in Non-Stop. Consistently one of my favorites.

I'm not sure anything has ever made me laugh as much and as consistently as Thomas Jefferson's delivery of the word "What." Or, more properly, "Whaaaaaaat."

Son, Alexander Hamilton went to live on a farm upstate. No, we can't visit him. We'll get you a new founding father.

I also got the excellent experience of introducing the show to someone who was actually unspoiled for history, so when "Blow Us All Away" started my friend just says, "Oh, here's the second duel, payoff for the one in the first act!" and I was so shocked I just stared at him for a second and asked, "Do you not know

I told my dad that I really liked "Wait for It" and he instantly replied that it wasn't in his top three and I just paused in slack-jawed horror because I couldn't even begin on picking my top three songs. And then two days later he emailed me and just said, "You're right about Wait for It."

I've loved a lot of things about descending into total Hamilton madness, but I think the best part is introducing it to other people, especially my dad, who was calling me with live updates as he listened to the Chernow on his iPod so that he wouldn't forget anything important.

That was my second guess! I just think of North Adams as closer to New York State, mostly because my spatial reasoning is appalling.

Awww, North Adams.