Yeah, I basically clicked on this thinking "Oh great, another article which will treat Boston and Massachusetts as synonymous," and I was not disappointed!
Yeah, I basically clicked on this thinking "Oh great, another article which will treat Boston and Massachusetts as synonymous," and I was not disappointed!
I've still never seen E.T. because the opening scene scared me so much as a three-year-old that I hid under my parents' bed for the next two hours until I felt I was safe. My brother and I also fled the theater in fear of both Jurassic Park (fair) and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 (less fair). These days, I've just…
My fond memories of that song involve it coming up on the radio while driving with a very high childhood friend in the back seat, and him sticking his head out the window and singing NA NA NA NA at top volume as we drove down the empty country roads. It was hauntingly beautiful, in that context.
I once posted what I thought was an obviously over the top "EVERYTHING IS THE WORST LIFE IS TERRIBLE" post and my aunt was so worried I was in a downward spiral that she left three comments, sent four messages, and called my mother to make sure I wasn't suicidal, all within the space of about ten minutes.
Assuming that show is The 100 (which is the only other thing I know she's in right now, but there could be another show I'm not aware of), I'm pretty sure she's still supposed to be under 20, although probably not as young as 17.
I had a pretty bad sealed day this last weekend—two different events, six games, only two wins, one because my opponent had to drop—and ended up feeling pretty salty about it, which is always something I hate, because I don't like being that person ever, but it's especially bad when the game you're playing is the My…
I haven't played Magic with any regularity in 15 years or so, but I spend a lot of time with Magic players, and I love how every time anyone mentions LSV someone else follows up with "LSV is the best."
I don't think there's any single line from anything I get more mileage from than Prince Zuko's immortal, "That's rough, buddy." I'm pretty sure my brother and I say that at least once a day.
I rented this with a couple high school friends and while we found the movie fine but not great, I don't think any of the three of us have ever laughed as hard as we did that that Hypnotoad short. Sometimes we'll still just text each other to remember it.
This show was on Disney Channel in the UK a lot when I lived there as a middle schooler, so I'm pretty sure I've seen the entire run multiple times, but its most lasting contribution to my life is Marty's explanation for how he knew they'd traveled back in time to the 1970s in the Sabrina crossover episode: "I was…
It's kind of questionable, but literally every time I think about Lee Scoresby and his daemon, Hester, going down in The Subtle Knife, I start tearing up. It might not count, given daemons aren't really animals, and Hester's death is obviously paired with a human death, but I'm starting to cry RIGHT NOW so I am giving…
The Rock. But he's in my dream cast for everything.
I think Novik is still active in fandom? IIRC she writes MCU, but since I don't read MCU I haven't been keeping up very well. Her latest book, Uprooted, was also pretty great. I didn't know Jemison did fanfic, although I'm not surprised. She is highly recommended, though, I really enjoyed the Ten Thousand Kingdoms.
Yeah, I always have trouble figuring out the extent to which I should take Clare criticism seriously; I've seen people saying she totally ripped off her own series, but there's only so much you can rip yourself off if you're not just doing find/replace with names, and I've never seen anyone say she did that. But she…
Cassandra Clare definitely was a fanfic author and had a fic called The Mortal Instruments, but it was Weasleycest, and I understand they were unconnected beyond the basic "why would you give your YA fantasy series the same name as a Weasleycest fic you once wrote" question. I've heard the series is somewhat similar…
Yeah, I remember realizing at some point (after I had read, like, ten billion of the follow-ups) that the rest of the series really didn't have any of the things I liked about the first book. Which is possibly why I remember a lot about the first book and reread it a lot, and then the rest is a haze of "they solved a…
Yeah, same. Recently someone complimented me on my refined taste in tea and I was like, well, actually…
My entire second grade class went through an intense Billy Joel period because we had to sing "River of Dreams" for a town festival. It was a long time before I discovered that this was not a universal experience.
Yeah, I was gonna say, saying "I don't watch the TV show but I love the Equestria Girls movies!" is my go-to way to piss off bronies.
I remember very little about Wayne's World 2, but my brother and I still get regular usage out of "This may be why Keith cannot be killed by conventional weapons."