I like Betrayed at 17 best because it sounds like it'll be about the girl who gets betrayed at 17, but she dies like half an hour in because internet porn kills for real, guys.
I like Betrayed at 17 best because it sounds like it'll be about the girl who gets betrayed at 17, but she dies like half an hour in because internet porn kills for real, guys.
Upvoted for reminding me of Wild Zero.
My brother and I looked at each other at the end of that speech and were just like, he legitimately could have started that with "Dear Princess Celestia" and it would have fit right in to any of Twilight Sparkle's friendship reports on My Little Pony.
Yeah, I've never been a particular fan of his, but credit where credit is due, I saw that production in 2012 at my local theater festival, and he really knocked it out of the park. The transformation is done at the beginning, with someone reading off a list of his physical abnormalities, and Cooper kept contorting his…
I say that ALL THE TIME. Especially when my brother is showing me a new Fantasy Flight game.
My brother is the events manager at a board game store, so I immediately texted him that description. All the Cones of Dunshire stuff is flawless.
I just saw that one for the first time on FXX and I couldn't even really comprehend what was happening. My brain just refused to process it.
I was in Japan when XII came out, so I just bought that version and skipped the English. I'm not convinced I'd have a better understanding of the story if I'd played it in English, but this way I can at least pretend it was educational. So much vocabulary they never taught us in class!
The Ragnarok scene is one of my most memorable Final Fantasy scenes ever, in large part because I was so, so unprepared for Eyes on Me to start playing and it totally blew me away. I don't know why exactly, it's not like there weren't other songs with vocals in FF7 and FF8 both, but it just seemed magical to…
Ooh, thanks! I was at work so I couldn't track it down. It really is an excellent post.
I will go to bat for EG2, it was tons of fun. Also super gay. I'm a woman of simple needs.
Twilight/Sunset Shimmer for life.
Not having seen the show, is that pairing the CW's way of apologizing to Smallvile fans for never making Clex happen?
Fifty Shades never would have been the phenomenon it was if it hadn't had the boost from fandom. There was a really interesting Reddit post from someone who was there when the story was first written about how the author marketed it via the fanfic site (post short chapters to get maximal upvotes, use the most popular…
"Keep reaching for that rainbow" is one of my most-used Simpsons quotes.
My high school was HUGE into Latin; I was telling some friends the other day about how we would travel to go to Latin conventions, maintained a catapult and chariot for contests, etc. and they just boggled at me. As far as I know, they're still doing it (I graduated ten years ago), and at least one of my high school…
I had no memory that this was the end of Startropics , but my dad, my brother, and I were so proud of finally beating it that we took pictures of the credits to commemorate the event.
Yeah, I feel like auto-play music is something that museums, like websites, should really avoid. We also had morning staff meetings in the Common, which guaranteed the song would be stuck in our heads all day.
It's kind of like that part in Community where Troy and Britta have to hug over and over for the Dean's documentary until they're crying.
I used to work at a children's museum with an Arthur exhibit, and we had a TV/green screen that could play a wide selection of Arthur songs so kids could dance along. If you didn't pick something else, it would just play the opening song on endless, horrific repeat. It haunts my nightmares.