
The most serious issue of this election is not Donald Trump. It’s people who support Donald Trump.

As a father of two young girls, I have this to say: it horrifies me that people who are looking at this fuckstick as “Dear Leader” are thinking that this is an appropriate way to treat women. Even if this piece of shit gets out of our faces, it’s too late. Pandora’s Box has been opened and it’s not getting shut.

Because the Rams left St Louis and now it’s the LA fanbase that gets to exist in incredulous disbelief. So it’s like, you may have lost your NFL team, again, but silver lining your not rooting for the team that took Goff over Wentz.

Eagles trade Bradford for a first rounder? “Great trade!”

“I won an Emmy for playing a woman dying of leukemia on L.A. Law, starring Harry Hamlin and Susan Dey.”