
Is it safe to assume BMW will have the only electric car in the world that will require ultra expensive VANOS repairs?

You are one well grounded individual sir.

Hmm, there seems to be an oversight. I can’t seem to find the Honda Fit on there.

But it pays my bills.

God women love the Macan. Some co-workers have only been talking about that car.

Let me guess, you work for an American automotive manufacturer. And it’s that same attention to detail that you lack, that the American cars lack. Shite begets shite. America, the home of crap.

You forgot to add, that car Chevy makes will have an ignition key issue and possibly kill you. Funny how you leave out the small details.

Honda Fit rulez! I love it. Keep trying GM. Some day you might make a great car.

The dash looks really clean. That’s a nice setup.

So she hit the first pole, which bent launching the car onto the second pole. What did she say when the car stopped moving? “Oops, my bad!”

In order to purchase a Mustang, do you have to take a test to prove that you are developmentally challenged enough to own the car? I mean really. It’s not funny anymore how ignorant Mustang owners are.

They will sell a crap ton of these things, and hopefully with all of that new profit they can remake the 944 again, but with twin turbos.

I had a girlfriend who I let borrow one of these Volvos and she couldn’t kill it, and she had a reputation for destroying cars. Heck yeah the price is a bit high, but it’s still worth it.

Gross Polluter Volkswagen still up to their German tricks. When will this end?

You're kinda dumb.

It's a GM product, do you expect anything less?

Ha! The joke’s on them. Bin Laden’s body is in the ocean somewhere.

Whoa, never seen that. So cool.

Cool, I dig that thing.

The most expensive car in the world is a cheap German car. PASS!