
So he's a "bunny boiler" then?

Spin the wheel raggedy man?

People can have varying degrees of digestive intolerance to particular foods and these can be well short of celiacs. Consider how some people complain that specific vegetables or foods give them particularly bad gas as one of the more mundane and common examples of this (raw onion is a common culprit if you go

For someone who qualified for the full federal subsidies, that lost $60 could represent a month or two of the individual's share of the insurance premium.

The way it's presented on Hulu could reasonably lead someone to beleive it was some sort of original series they created/comissioned as opposed to Sky TV.

You might be one of the people who, like me, think the first season of Torchwood would have ended better with Captain Jack killing pretty much the entire team.

Our boys, keeping the peace in newly annexed Canada?

Warner Brothers pulled it from Netflix instant watch in July 2011; be mad at them. They actually pulled quite a lot of their stuff from Netflix streaming at the time.

Somewhat of a tangent, but since you mention previouslies - my favorite one of those has to be the one from the final regular episode of Farscape.

No they're not fish but neither are whales, orca, dolphins, the Cadillac Eldorado nor .04% of children born in New Jersey.

That too, but abuse of power as he works for the town so "malfeasance in public office."

Isn't that kind of a comics staple though (maybe DC more specifically I guess)? It's Clark Kent syndrome or something where the part of the human brain that's supposed to do a good job of recognizing faces has been replaced with late 90's era crappy facial recognition software.

Yes, now. When I first refreshed BOTH linked to the glassholes story. If you look at some of the comments made after they fixed it you'll see that it was like this for a few minutes.

It now links to the glassholes article - still doesn't link to the myths list.

Is't what Ben did possibly abuse of power?

Blame its IMDB page?

This would have been a pretty good episode to time with the release of Stick of Truth before it was pushed back to next year.


You do realize he is the Sovereign right? Now you're messing with the guild.

Yeah I also had quite a few problems with the major plot  reveals throughout the movie.  I saw most of them coming from quite early in the film and, thanks to the trailer, some of them were obvious before even stepping into the movie.  That he was a clone seemed a likely possibility to me, considering the other