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Track: Between The Bars (Live) | Artist: Elliott Smith | Album: Either/Or (This Performance: Lucky Three an Elliott Smith Portrait)

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All Walls Must Fall is a tactics game that owes as much to Rez as it does to XCOM. It takes place in a future Berlin where the Cold War never ended. Time-traveling agents loop the same night over and over via tactical battles that occur to the beat of music. Looks wild! It’s on Steam Greenlight and Kickstarter.

Note to self: introduce more women to Mass Effect. Badass ladies are everywhere, plenty of open world to explore, there’s a huge sense of satisfaction from getting the “best” endings, and everyone knows you’re playing wrong if you don’t pick Jennifer Hale’s FemShep.

Why does it matter when Femshep is Canon and Tali isnt bisexual.

Badassfully; Wow.

Okay, sure, you go on thinking that, promoting the erroneous view that Japanese sociocultural history, and thus sociocultural present, is inherently racist, xenophobic, and isolationist. None of which is actually true, none of which is actually borne out by the very records and documentation you purport to draw from.

I genuinely do not understand people who played that game and didn’t love it. I’m typically not a fan of stealth games, but this game had everything. One of the coolest universes lovingly designed in great detail, fascinating lore that could be explored in multiple ways, phenomenal art design, incredible/incredibly

This isn't cross-posted. I am a Jalopnik writer. And this is about addresses which matter when driving in Japan. As I do.