No, of course not.
No, of course not.
Nope, but you should still view her as a person worthy of respect.
What I mean is the "second shift" as it is typically described: the full shift of additional work done by women when they get home from their "other" job. If housework and childcare were evenly divided, it wouldn't be much of a shift anymore, as someone would be spelling you.
How about "share the second shift"? Otherwise, we'll be living in squalor.
To be fair, I'm not getting a slut shaming vibe as much as I am getting a poor-fashion shaming vibe. Dress like a slut all you want, but don't dress in ugly damn clothes. Crop tops are ridiculous - not because they show the stomach, but because they're just stupid looking (imho)
I get that, but so does smoking, and I have never seen fat shamers go after smokers with the same vitriol. Most of the people I see turn this into a moral issue.
The argument i've heard is that they're a burden on health care costs. Of course, if you mention smoking to the same people you get shouts of PERSONAL FREEDOMMMMMMMMM
Citation needed.
When I received the prenatal diagnosis that my baby had Down syndrome, my world came to a skidding halt. My mother…
Yes, I would raise the same questions about a single dad who used his baby to get famous and then seemingly spent all of his time trotting the globe doing weird self-aggrandizing publicity stunts.
Today I tested for my black belt in my martial art—for the second time! I first got it in 2004 (2 weeks before I got my PhD! It was a good year!), but then I took like 6-7 years off. I came back to class in 2011 and had to start all the way back at white belt, but I finally made it back to black today! Woohoo!
This is all just so frustrating. Like, the people claiming it's cultural relativism? No, it's really not. It's not deciding you know what someone else's issues and priorities are without asking. Of course no one thinks FGM and child brides are something we should condone happening. But "white savioring" it doesn't do…
I've just skimmed the whole thread and it just made it painfully clear that "many" people don't know the difference between religion and culture, and they don't know that there are many Muslim cultures. Apparently Muslim Indonesians (the largest Muslim country in the world by population, but I spose these people only…
Wow, a lot of people in this thread really have no idea what being an "ally" means. As in: do not speak for other women, especially if you are are a privileged white woman who is assuming she knows what the "real" problems are for someone else. I know you know this, but jesus, this thread is depressing. Being an ally…
36. Women are never free.
36) Women are never free
My 20s were a really hard time. There were ill-adviced and ill-realized perms, gratuitous glitter tops, and awkward…