Can we have this on Switch?
Can we have this on Switch?
Obligatory... It’s not. Pikachu’s not actually talking. It’s a vision/nightmare/whatever by Ash thanks to Marshadow’s fuckery. It’s no different from that one XY episode where Darkrai made Pikachu and Meowth dream up all of the gang’s Pokémon talking to them in human language.
worked at McDonald’s in HS, this is 99.5% true.
Chain anything is trash. Support local businesses.
october: i will make fun of this animal crossing phone game
The GameCube controller is the most efficient and intuitive controller created for mainstream consoles.
Why aren’t white people tired of seeing the next generation make a permanent record of their shitty behavior? Where are the white community leaders to set a positive example for their children?
We’ve informally reached out to a few people who work in TV news who confirm there isn’t a specific hard break until the end of the hour. This break occurred during the show’s first half.
Hotels charge hundreds of dollars a night for a room and we’re supposed to supplement their staff’s wages on top of that? Actually, they’re incentivizing us to not even use the service by offering points for not using housekeeping services at all. Which I find additionally mean to their employees (hey you get to work…
It is extremely important that fans of the Metroid franchise support this and Prime 4 if we want to see a new Metroid game ever again. It’s a very similar situation to Sonic Mania and the N Sane Trilogy.
I’ll gladly buy this game when they make the Ultimate version.
I prefer the 90's designs... man, my old is showing.