
I think I’m starting to like the English dub, but it still sounds like mild weeping, like “my boyfriend left me”, while the Japanese dub sounds more pained and uncontrolled, like “My family slowly died in a fire”.

The Japanese language really adds to the game. Even if the english dubs aren’t bad I’d still prefer a Japanese language option.

I’m really hoping they’ll have English and Japanese audio availbile on the actual release version of the game so we can choose which we want. I’d prefer Japanese audio and English subtitles.

I don’t know. The English VOs felt flat, and the Japanese VOs were grating. Granted, in the case of the Japanese VOs, it’s an issue of style, seeing as the quality is par for the course in anime.

The English from the trailer on youtube is really good too. Hopefully theres an option to toggle between both, with subs.

Now playing

Have you seen the english version? Zelda’s voice isn’t as good as the japanese one

I didn’t buy the Wii U to play Zelda, but to render it the first Nintendo console to not get a new Zelda is bullshit.

Makes me hope that the US release will let you play with the Japanese VO.

boy, the japanese voice acting is good.

I’m okay with that. I shouldn’t be, but I am.

Naw, a hippy system would be “Take what you need, but no more than that. Contribute to the commune what you can and act in the interests of all.”

I don’t know if it’s “dragging” it out. They had to offer some sort of info about the game before everyone leaked the whole darned thing, but they don’t want to bury their good details right before the holiday buying season.

To a degree, yeah. I’m not entirely on board with the idea of waiting this long myself. But, the way I figure it, Nintendo is waiting on this info to prevent killing whatever sales they can get with their holiday releases.

If there is no motion my wife is going to be very upset. She does not do well with twin-stick configuration, and Splatoon is one of her favorite games.

I hope the controller still has a gyroscope. As someone who generally hates console shooters, I found the gyroscope controls to be super precise and I wouldn’t have bought the game without them.