
I get that this is cool and everything, but let's not give Marty Walsh a ton of credit for caring about women. In October of 2014, he ordered the evacuation of Long Island in Boston Harbor because the bridge that connects the island to the mainland was deemed unsafe, giving a mere 2 hours notice to the several

sure, love is strange. But having sex with a 13 year old when you are in your thirties is rape, plain and simple.

I’m really starting to think you’re a Pinkham burner since you’ve been following me around the Gawkerverse leaving the same exact comment for the past hour now. Look if you want to defend his thought’s on ghetto spanish, unnatractive women on commercials not giving him a woody, or the creepy things he’s written about

I actually really liked him and behind closed ovens. I remember reading some of his stuff where he strongly came out against racism/sexism. But this shit, it’s Hugo Schwyzer 2.0


Eh, I give serious side eye to my fellow western Europeans if they claim they are being discriminated against. They are not persecuted, they do not have a history of being oppressed by a larger group. I think Eastern Europeans can claim racial discrimination, especially if they have migrated to countries like the UK

They most certainly are. Especially those who pretend to be a certain way so they can write for popular websites.

As I commented earlier, and surprise, surprise, a white woman called me hostile, I do take issue with his anti-blackness (jokes about black names and AAVE) but yeah, I think there is a double-standard here. I’m more concerned that he just seems genuinely unfunny. She didn’t care about that (they never do) and demanded

The graf below the video clip demonstrates great chutzpah on Ms. Atwood’s part. Nobody from Canada should ever attempt to cast aspersions on the fashion sense of anyone anywhere, ever.

Yeah, I don’t think it was the worst thing in the world to say but if you want to make a social commentary it’s not necessary to dis another woman to do it, one whose only crime is not being adventurous enough, fashion-wise.

I think some people are forgetting how goddamn mean the press was to Diana at times. I can see Kate actively trying to avoid backlash to spare herself and her family that nonsense. I don’t envy her that every move she makes is compared to her mother-in-law.

Maybe she doesn’t want to defy the royal style rules. Maybe she’s totally cool with what she wears, as well she should be because she’s always looking beautiful.

Atwood doesn’t actually care about Kate Middleton’s style: “To be honest with you, I haven’t paid that much attention,” she told the crowd. “But why would I, really? Too old.”

Really? Because people in countries other than the US don’t have rights? Fuck off with that US-centric bullshit.

Sorry I can’t let that slide. I can’t reply to all the anti-UK talk spewed on this thread but that is just a lie. Not all British people have a brutal anti-immigration stance. There are plenty of people shouting UKIP and their supporters down. Anti-immigration attitudes are de-bunked and mocked all over the media.

Yeah, you know how “Malik” is such a common Brazilian name and all. And if he were a POC from South America instead, lumping him in with terrorists would no longer be offensive!

But they’re both Middle Eastern looking men, if Malik was some blond guy do you really believe that he would be compared to the Sandy Hook shooting? you can’t argue that this isn’t racist

I’m a bit confused by your logic. Any instance of saying “ lol this brown person looks like this islamic terroist” is inherently derogatory. How could it not be given the cultural context of the last fifteen years? It’s not just the context of Zayn’s particular experience, which someone on Bill’s team was undoubtedly

I don’t think some people here can tell apart ‘brown’ faces

The outrage is because one) Bill Maher has shown in the past that he very islamophobic two) Zayn from One Direction deals with a lot of jokes about him being a terrorist because he is a Muslim . Asking Zayn “Where were you during the Boston Marathon?” is offensive, sigh this site really is privileged mess.