
Or that she made the Met recast chorus and supernumaries who were larger than a size ten because she refused to design costumes larger than that.

Or not hiring any black models for 20 years.

Meanwhile the working and middle classes have had a no good, very bad few decades.

This dirtbag sucked. It sucked so hard. Between the weird shit about Bruce being just PEPPERED with snarky judgement trans shaming, the shaming of Amber Rose and friend for what? Sitting on each other's laps and miming some boss vagina hand moves? The shit about MURDER SUSPECT BOUGHT A CAR when homie is NOT A FUCKING

I'm just wondering if Jezebel is ever going to leave Bruce Jenner alone. At least I would hope this website would drop it's facade that it gives any fucks at all about queer/trans peoples lives while it insists on joining in on all the trans speculation fun. Linking to radar. My fucking word. Radar is responsible for

Not disagreeing, just trying to give a little context to those who might not get it.

It's a BBC miniseries that HBO bought to re-air in America.

Everything about that "story" is wrong. It is overly judgemental. If it was Amanda Knox you know damn well she wouldn't have stated the story that way. After all he has been through he deserves some happiness. It won't fix the trauma he has been through but if it gives him some peace whatever. For Rafaelle's sake I

Not to mention he was photographed looking at the car. That's not shopping for the car. And even if he's shopping, what the heck. He just had justice restored to him. He's not a murder suspect anymore.

Not just you. I'm more than kinda in agreement, for at least 3-4 reasons in this Dirtbag alone. :=/

I kind of feel like this writer's Dirtbags are sort of judgmental all around. I'm not enjoying it... is it just me? :/

What's with the hate on Sollecito? His life has been saved after being wrongfully accused and he has the money for a crazy car, why the hell wouldn't he celebrate being acquitted?!

Both of them can celebrate, preferably on one of those high class around the world cruises, because those two were innocent and have had their lives and names dragged through the mud for way too long. The killer is in prison. It is over.

I should have worded it clearer because i was not trying to equate it to the one in Indiana i read what Jezebel. What i was trying to say what would give me hope for America would be if these laws did not exist (including the laws in 19 + States), also there are around 8 States that have laws similar to one of the

Honestly, it's hard for me not to see all these comments from people complaining that a woman didn't get it and promoting the one black woman who didn't want it, as a refusal to see and be happy for the accomplishment and progress that has been made. A black guy whose mother was literally jailed for having an

He's an accomplished stand-up comedian who has hosted shows in other countries. I guess that's just not enough for you.

This is a bit dramatic (I assume intentionally so...).

Apparently American parents spend more time with their kids than any other parents in any other country.

That it most certainly does not. Candy and cheetos are still classified as food items and you can still use SNAP to purchase them. You just pay more because of a higher tax, which really sucks if you rely on convenience stores for your groceries and don't have access to many foods that won't be subject to a higher tax.