
why is shoeless houses a big deal. i don't live in America and nobody I know wears shoes in their house. It's considered super rude wear your shoes in other people's houses, mostly because most of the time there is a good two foot of snow outside or the mucky remnants of melt from said snow and anything you had on

Not me. If anything, the fact that she's having to do what women so often have to do, be conciliatory or gracious in the face of bullshit, shows that her training to be a sports celebrity has already started.

Anna - How do judgmental comments about Islam (as a whole) get by on your board, but calling out people for making those ridiculous comments do not? Is it a reflection on your personal views about Islam or what, Anna? Just wondering.

I think a lot of the commenters are glossing over the fact that she is 14. She isn't going to be grated to agency to take command of her own life, regardless - because she's a minor.

That last paragraph was great! Uber will PR spin the shit out of everything to not have to answer for their shitty business practices.

It is worse when it comes from your own; why do people pretend not to understand that? We have enough shit thrown at us by the Republicans and the Christian and Muslim zealots without having to put up with shit from self-loathing gay men (these assholes admitted they're parroting the teachings of the hate group known

I didn't think you were jumping on me.

Before we start praising France as a reproductive paradise, consider that French women have to wait 7 days for an abortion because the state and the family are "working so closely together" that the second an egg is fertilized the state interest in the family starts to override personal autonomy.

I'm sorry but this isn't a gender issue. This is about BLACKFACE. Come on.

There was a scandal here in the UK some years ago when it came out that credit card tips at certain restaurants were being used to top up staff salaries to the minimum wage. People were horrified at the idea that tips weren't 'additional' but being used as basic salary. I'm horrified that this is your normal.

wanting/expecting white feminism to pay equal attention to the racism and misogyny that women of color go through is not "shooting for a kind of purity in your movement that will guarantee its weakness." it's healing to the soul when a person "not like" you can see your reality and not deny it.

Thank you. There is no reason to believe her stance has changed. Having the fortitude to say complimentary things about the contributions of black women before a Black Enterprise audience isn't much of a measure.

Well, perhaps you should make more room for the cynicism horrifically oppressed people feel towards someone "getting it right" for five whole minutes, instead of worrying if everyone is hurting the white woman's feelings. Maybe her hurt feelings are less important than the feelings inspired by systemic racism.

"No, I'm not ignoring it"

i dont like the 'we're all in this together' theme some white feminists have

"Gloria attempts to give credit to black women and right on cue black women come out to say that she is just pandering/it's too little too late/etc."

But see, I'm not asking you to notice it, nor am I talking about you fighting it when you see it. That's great, but we need to take the fight to the problem. I'm asking you to address white feminists that you know, and question them about white privilege and white supremacy. I'm asking you to put yourself in the

Lol, yes POC wanting to be included and treated as equals is "purity". Please, keep trying to have the last word. I love it when Jezebel commenters peel back the veil and give me a peek into the id of white feminists.

Sure they could have, and should have, helped you in your struggle 10, 30, 50 years ago. The good news is that they are helping you now.