
In London there are so many intelligent, flannel-wearing guys with good taste in music, London has so many "hipsters" but no you will not find them on tinder because. You do have to forward with British men and if you are American you will find the dating game is a bit different, in America i found some guys did not

Here is the article in which that quote came from, they went in on her and snatched everyone wigs. They brought up her support for Israel and how she thinks it is okay to funnel weapons to them, her supporting Honduran death squads which murdered children and what she did in Haiti.

Also this is a great quote i saw, “Clinton herself is widely recognized to have been one of the administration’s most forceful advocates of attacking or expanding military operations in Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria and of strengthening US ties to dictatorships in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Morocco, and

It is actually pretty sad that after all the links you went through you don’t really see a problem with what he did. I was on the end of one his most vicious attacks and it is upsetting that people are defending him because he was nice to you that one time. But you allowed to have a different opinion, but maybe just

Yep and it is disgusting that so many countries do not recognize it as genocide, there was a bill that has been stalled at U.S. House of Representatives to recognize what happened and it has been there since 2007.

He does in last post he was calling people idiots for disagreeing with him about the honeymoon fund. I have also seen him end up deleting most threads because they disagree with what he wrote about a culture he has no idea about, he then goes on to insult that culture and the Country and bans the person.

No i have never said anything close to what he said, yes i have said something dumb but i never have spoken about how awful “ghetto Spanish” and other racist things. Also some of them are from 2009 + and i don’t believe he has changed and don’t believe any of those posts are “out of context”.

He is and i know that a few members on here clashed with him because they thought he was a bit racist (i wont post them without their permission). His replies were very aggressive about how they are waste of space and oxygen and how sick they make him and how dare they say he is racist, now it has come out he is a

See my reply to Ellen, someone basically found his old Live Journal and he posted a lot of offensive things. Instead of apologizing he deleted but luckily someone screen capped it.

Someone found his old Live Journal account and it showed that he is pretty racist, thinks that stereotyping is okay and it pretty sexist.

O/t Has the person in your username apologized for being a racist sexist bigot?

This is awful, also did anyone read that awful story out of California about a judge who reduced a sentence for a guy who raped a 3 year old because “ he didn’t intend to harm her”. Honestly that has to be one of the most disgusting stories i have read and shame on that judge.

Yes Switzerland is racist but so USA. USA also does not handle the poor well (compare to most European countries the social security net in US is barely there) or diversity because if it did we wouldn’t have to deal with innocent black people getting shot.

Thankyou for understanding and yes i am pretty new, i also owe you an apology because you were right to jump in because i was acting like an idiot and completely misunderstanding the situation, i got to defensive and i shouldn’t have let my emotions take over.

Okay hi i am also an LGBT person. Look i have apologized to the person for misunderstanding them so can you stop attacking me, i explained to them why i jumped in and i kept this in the dark because i do not need more people ganging up. Look this is getting childish i have apologized so lets move on.

And i am really sorry for jumping on you, it was only recently it happened and obviously it set me off and i did act like a stubborn fool . You are right we are on the same team and i shouldn’t have acted like we were not, i hope you can forgive me.

No you were not polite because i did ask you later how it was sarcasm, come on your last reply was pretty rude. This ganging up is getting pathetic i have apologized to them so no i am not being stubborn and i am so sorry i did not recognize that she best known queer and trans activist on Jezebel. It was one comment i

Yes of course i am taking this hard seeing as i have said in my comments i had a friend who killed themselves over this, i am allowed to disagree with your analogy and i disagree that it should be illegal for adults. Yes i was wrong and i misunderstood what you said about it not being rash enough and i apologize, i

Okay why are you being so defensive i am allowed to disagree with her, i am not on her we just disagreeing. No to me it coming across that if adults want to willing go to the therapy then it is okay, but i disagree.

Okay maybe i am but please explain how it is okay to compare this dangerous therapy to nutritional supplements, or unless they were being sarcastic again.