
I didn’t know Americans still had an influence in Irish politics, although they did for such a good while so it’s not that surprising. I guess they want to keep Ireland like it was when Grandma and Grandpa lived in their potatoes field and went to Mass every morning.. it's not that surprising. I guess they want to

What does her thinness have to do with anything? Why has Jezebel turned into land of body snarking lately? :-/

This. I slogged through the first three books and couldn’t keep reading. DG’s got some serious issues. (Also the writing is kind of terrible and unnecessarily long-winded.) It’s really difficult to have characters that I become invested in, deal with so much (and mostly unnecessary, regarding plot and character

She really is a psycho. She’s basically admitted that she has a rape fetish and given how ugly the rapes are and how they can’t even remotely be construed as gray or rape fantasy, it’s pretty disturbing.

I think you are really confused about what consent is, and I’m done discussing this with you because I literally can not say it more clearly than I have. :)

Sometimes you wonder if they’re just sitting around those writers’ rooms saying: “What are we gonna do this week?” “Eh, throw in some sexual trauma then let’s go get a beer.” Yes, I know that both Outlander and Game of Thrones were drawing on source material, but it’s just a common narrative go-to these days that it’s

I didn’t actually read that because my attention span is super short today, but I can guess why they’re upset and I don’t think they’re overreacting. It actually bums me out a little that the Jezebel party line is to be so blase about this, when other GM blogs realize how fucked this show is becoming. Not surprising

I think a lot of the problem comes from the fact that the show runners have consistently changed the books to add more rape than they had already. In the books, it’s not Sansa that marries Ramsay, but someone else pretending to be Sansa. They choose to cut that character out entirely, but keep the rape.

Not at all, you make perfect sense. The things you’ve brought up are exactly what I’ve heard/read from other people. Fans & critics alike. I understand exactly what you mean as well. Racist jokes, misogyny, homophobia, etc. is ok in films if it’s used to illustrate a point. Like a racist character saying racist things

Now playing

BBC is awesome. Here’s Akala’s answer to is Frankie Boyle’s question “is Britain racist to the core?” on FB’s Election Autospy (Starts at 7 minutes 13 seconds):

“Stereotypes of non-white women in service of white woman power!” doesn’t have quite the same ring to it.

But isn’t that Taylor’s MO?! She has experienced an arrested development of sorts and is still resorting to all the playground tactics she knows. She is not the sophisticated adult she appears to be. She is still the little girl who now has lots of rich friends who can play with her.

Yeah. I love that all of these commentors are trying to act like this song isnt petty as hell. But they love tay and she can do no wrong.

Hahaha i find it hilarouis that you think that taylors photo ops are real friendships. Why is it on katy to make things right. Taylor is an adult she could have been the bigger person,but no she made this crappy song and video instead.

Ya, I still can’t get on board with it. It was literally about backup dancers, who planned on going back to work with Katy anyway. I don’t see how it is okay to write a song and spend so much time and effort making a video because someone got her dancers back. She comes across very petty. I see the post that Katy was

bullet holes = a fellow billionaire hiring some of the dancers that were working with you on your hundred million dollar tour

“There’s a special place in hell for women who make songs and music videos about their petty beefs with other women.” —Madeleine Albright [citation needed]

She is a child. A child. Far from home, living with strangers, and whose grasp of English is still nebulous. The ones who need to be ashamed of themselves here are the American host family who was supposed to be looking after her but were instead blithely standing around in close proximity to the animal and ignoring

I feel sympathy for the girl, for sure, on that front. The angriest I’ve ever seen my partner was when these people with two little kids were walking up like they were about to let their children pet the buffalo. He intervened with a vengeance immediately. Sadly it’s a really common thing, and dumbass parents continue

I just posted a similar comment. I don’t know what happened, but the family should have been more responsible for her. The title here and the tone of some of the comments are rather unfairly blaming the teen, in my opinion. Sure a teen should probably know better, but the parents...are parents...