I know!! But We put those soft pizza delivery bags down to make a "bed"-does that help?
and yet, the bean bag room would have been the most comfy.
During callbacks for a college musical. Callbacks were held in the classrooms outside the theatre doors, off the hallway, not the actual theatre. I had some time before my audition time and I asked my techie (stagehand) boyfriend to run lines with me. The theatre was empty, but the 3 sets of double doors were unlocked…
Reclaimed barnwood and recycled adobe stone artisanal outdoor pizza ovens for ALL.
Morning sex FTW.
I save binge watching for snowstorm weekends, rainy days and illness. EXCEPT Orange is the New Black and House of Cards. That shizz is gettin' watched ASAP., rain or shine.
acid reflux city, baby!
Guy response: "Um, can you JUST get naked?"
I bet he has a small penis.
I once took a sip from the chew tobacco spit cup at a party in college by accident. All red solo cups look alike sometimes. *gag*
it's awesome! They have it on Netflix instant.
that episode was so funny! "What Josh doesn't know, is that some of these people haven't taken their medication. Let's watch what happens now."
Then I probably dated you, too...I like cranky, snarky, impatient, smart guys! In addition to the Josh Lymons of the world.