Charlotte Grote

This is indeed a disturbing universe.

I can't help but love "He's Alive!" just because it's so darn goofy.

No Todd! The Twilight Zone reviews are the Community of this site! Low readership, maybe, but a devoted cult following! Also season 4 is probably the weakest.

I can see this being explained by Durland just saying the deed is legit cause he didn't want anybody to know he can't read.

Buy gold!

You're darn right Old Man McGuckett is the key to it all! He the man behind what's probably my favorite exchange on the show;

That was a beautiful moment, just letting everything set in and linger instead of cutting away to the usual silly credits joke. A good example of using audience expectations of the show's formula to underline a point.

What really impressed me about this episode was the sense of dread this episode was able to have by the end. Not "dark" or whatever, but that Gideon taking control of the shack really was a strong cliffhanger that didn't feel forced and doesn't telegraph what will happen in the next episode either. When it went to

This guy is going places!



Well said!